

Autumnal walking

 I am struggling with that 'end-of-yearitis' that plagues me seasonally. Some years I manage to skillfully ignore that dragged-down feeling I get as I watch the colours change when the countryside slips out of her summer frock of greens and wraps herself in browns and faded yellows.

Other times, like this year, I battle to appreciate the colours of autumn as trees change their coats and the hillsides turn sepia.

Himself on the other hand loves autumn and revels in the bite on the cooling air and the sting of a sharp breeze. He positively delights in walking wrapped up through the decaying season.

I turn inward. He, on the other hand glows with enjoyment, his cheeks tinged pink and his hands icy cold as he escapes the warmth of the house or car for the hills.

I shall have to try harder this year and walk a lot more - it helps.

What do you do when you hit that seasonal slump?
How do you cope with that feeling of loss as summer fades?
What are your tricks with coping?
Or are you one of the lucky ones who slip happily into autumn then winter without a hitch?


Where in the world?

Where in the world have I been today?

Yup. I've been to Yarndale :)

I saw so-oo many friends there, both bloggy and normal. It was wonderful catching up with them.

There were sheep of all shapes and sizes.....

There was even a cow or two.
Mandalas aplenty .......

........................Loads and loads of bunting

 The trees were alive with the sound of bees and balls of yarn.

There was a lovely brass band on the lawn and while we were listening I suddenly saw a hand waving madly from the middle of the band and I squinted at the person and saw some one else I knew! Brilliant :)

Was it as good as last year? Well. although I did enjoy it, as did the three teenagers who came with me, I have to say the jury is still out.


One day like this.

It has amazed me how sublime this autumn is becoming. Today - over half way through September, we basked on a hillside and I could feel the sun's warmth on my face. It was almost a bit too warm and that is saying something coming from me!

Another thing I have noticed at the moment my life has a gentle rhythm to it. Working and walking, knitting and reading. Oh there are moments of madness where I am so rushed off my feet that I feel I can not even breathe, then there are others, when I can watch clouds move, drink tea, knit, think, dream.

Weekends also have a pattern forming. Saturdays have become days of catch up, house work and homework and then there are Sundays. Oh Sundays, Sundays. Quiet lazy starts, snuggled up in a warm bed sipping coffee as I stare out of the window. Bumbling downstairs and eating a slow breakfast. Then a walk.

Today's walk was as cathartic as it was delicious. I found myself smiling most of the way.

Along the way we had spectacular views, both huge and microscopic. When we sat and ate our lunch we were bombarded by bumblebees - Himself fished one out of his tea, it fluffed up its bumble-fluff and dried out its wings then groggily flew away. We kept having to lift the bumbles out of our sandwiches, out of our hair and off our arms. They made us laugh as their legs tickled our skin. I wish I'd taken a photo.

We walked through a small plateau filled with mounds of heather where red grouse would burst from the foliage and chatter loudly as they flew down to the valley bottom. At the end of the plateau we found a small but perfectly formed bothy. Inside was a fire grate with newspaper and matches to light a much needed fire if the weather turned inclement. There were seats and benches for weary and wet walkers to use and inside it was warm and dry. Oh the delight! 

We followed an ancient track down the side of the hill into the village of Hawkswick which wended through both old and new woodlands. Once in the valley we sat riverside and sipped tea and ate homemade shortbread and of course, I had my knitting. 

What a day. 

Like Elbow said - one day like this a year........ would see me fine :) 


The colours of Sunday

Snapshots of my day.


 Autumnal colours, walking with family, riverside knitting. What more could I ask for?


St Abbs - Woolscape

While we were on our hols, we popped into the St Abbs Old School Cafe to escape the weather. The welcome was delightful and what made it all the better - there was a little craft market being held.

As soon as I put in my order I scuttled into the hall to drool and hopefully make some purchases when my eyes fell on a wool stall - I practically pushed Youngest aside in my haste to get there. (In truth we'd actually arrived about 20 minutes before closing time and I wanted to see as much as I could before it shut - well that was my excuse....)

I met up with the lovely Jennie Howes from Sky Blue Pink Designs, who'd I'd met at Yarnival 2013 in Skipton when she very graciously let me take photos of her husband wearing one of her designed hats. We chatted for ages and of course I fondled as much of the wools on her table as I could as I chatted and of COURSE I just HAD to buy a hank of the most DeLiCiouS handspun BFL in blues. Oooh yum.

Jennie chatted to me about the Woolscape which is part of the St Abbs Wool Festival and I found myself agreeing (quite happily I have to add) to knitting a Guillemot for their sea-life table.  There already a delightful display of sea creatures and while I was in the Visitor Centre a chap wandered in carrying a rather large knitted humpback whale. He had it on his shoulder and much to my amusement as he left the centre saying good bye to the centre assistant the whale was still perched on his shoulder!

Picture from Jennie Howe's website

So, my Guillemot? Well let me show you!
picture from

No - don't be silly, this is not MY bird, no.....this one below is mine! Yup - the fat woolly one is my attempt at the glorious sleek creature above! 

It was fun knitting this little chap :)  The colour isn't brilliant, I used the camera without the flash and it has just made everything rather pale. But I need to get him sent off for their table hence the hasty pictures.