


The veil is thin,
the wheel turns,
the seasons change,
life moves on,
take that step,
take that chance,
change if you have to,
and live.

Blessings be.


A door to the imagination

Thank you photo-hunters for your excellent pictures and stories- a real mix of tales and images, you certainly made my blog-reading-day! I love that, despite you all having the same list to work from, you all have such a individual stories to share. Thank you again.

One or two of you noticed I'd not joined in this month - my apologies, I fully intended too however, I was so so busy (beyond busy) with the art event I was part of, something had to give. (Housework and gardening also fell by the wayside!!) Anyhoo, I thought I would make up for my absence by sharing a story or two of my own leading up to our TAM weekend.

We have, in the village, resident 'fairies'. The small and magical kind - with little wings and pretty dresses. They even have a facebook page where their exploits and adventures are shared.  I first noticed their presence when little fairy doors started to appear in the surrounding area. I was intrigued (as were other villagers) and took photographs.
These little beautifully made doors have working door latches, the cutest little hinges and door numbers and best of all - best of all, are the stories that they bring, the questions they create.
Who lives behind those little doors? 
Where do they come from?
 Are they really magic?

Oh yes the children say, oh yes agree the delighted parents. 

It is wonderful walking along and catching the delightful conversations between parents and children as they spot these little magic doors. Sometimes they vanish, then reappear, other times they have a spot of magical TLC after little hands have tried to open the doors a little too hard. Fairy Magic is strong and protective.

I'd wished really hard that I had one in a tree near me.  

The fairies must have heard me and with a sprinkle of fairy dust and just a day or two before the art weekend - Not one.....
...not two...
...not just three...
but four, four enchanting little portals to another world, 
where fairies dwell and secretly appear
and leave magic
and make smiles
and share happiness.

Thank you Edith Mouse -
your magic is so very appreciated xxxx

Ok - back to business - As usual, our November photo scavenger hunt will be the last of year, December tends to be a little too busy! Julie from Julie's Scrapbook is running her annual Advent Calendar Link up and will be posting all the details on the 1st November - I shall be joining her - hope you will too :)

So, November's words are....drum roll please......

1. Blue
2. Me
3. Starts with a ...... W
4. Rainbow
5. Arch
6. Toy
7. Swirl
8. Brush
9. Nail
10. My own choice

A photograph inspired by a word, 
words inspired by the photograph.  
Remember to think laterally and interpret at you fancy, 
be it a current photo or one from your archives - Enjoy!


October Scavenger Hunt Link up Party!

If you have joined in with my

Scavenger hunt, please link

with me on your blog :)

Please add your name to the

link up tool below,

just follow the easy instructions,

don't worry - if I can do it so can you!

Please just add your Name or Blog Name in the 'Link Title',

Now, let the Link-up Party begin!

Don't forget to leave a comment when you visit :)


Post show recovery mode


*taps screen tentatively* .... hello?

Are you still out there? 
I'm back - sorry I was so quiet, been a bit busy you see.

What? Sorry missed that? 
Oh you were wondering what I was up to. Ah. Let me see...

We've just had our first 'Annual Trawden Artist Maker's Art event' and I am absolutely shattered! 

I would like to write down all the stories that accompanied our weekend but you would probably fall asleep by the time I'd only got quarter way down, there are so many. I won't put you through that.

So, instead, I will just pop in to say hello (oh - already done that), say that I am here, in post weekend recovery position, I have an art studio in a topsy turvy but happy state, have a list of commissions and sales that I have to work through, stock to replenish and coffee to drink (that last one has got to stop though... need to get off the 'hard stuff' and get back to peppermint tea and the like).

Our weekend had loads of visitors, including 'Storm Brian' who although not as large as the hurricanes and tropical storms that upset other events, nevertheless stamped his rather 'moist' mark on our weekend.  However we did not let him 'rain on our parade' and surprisingly we still had many many visitors. At one point, there was standing room only in my little studio with a small queue forming outside. Other artists said the same, saying their venues were full of folk and the hall several times was fit to burst with our wonderful 'bouncer' on the door advising folk to do the trail first before coming into the hall as there was no room - now that can't be bad!

Fortunately my dear Himself had rigged up a gazebo outside my studio door as a porch to help keep Storm Brian out - it happily sheltered my visitors from the rain too.

Right, I really must get on ... below are a few photos taken before we opened the doors, while we still had space and time to drink a final brew and breathe.... will I do it again? ummm - probably. (I can hear my Himself shrug his shoulders and sigh!)

View down the back wall, textiles and art
Gable end, jewellery
Our local nail room kindly hosted a mini display for us
Storm Brian seemed to approve, rainbow over the hall full of artists.
.... and yes,I have included an image of myself.

my name is Kate
I am an artist,
please to meet you x


When in reality ... what I SHOULD be doing is .....

With lists whirling around in my head 
(To-do-list/Must-not-FORGET-list/Jobs-to-complete-list/ must-sort-out-the-garden-and-plant 
the-perennials-out-list, )
 and that uncertain feeling of 
'is there something very important that I have forgotten that I must 'to-do'?' 

We set off for a walk yesterday afternoon. 
I have to be honest in saying I really did not want to go - 
I wanted to work through at least some of those niggling lists 
even if it was only tinkering in the garden planting out a few large seedlings 
while the soil is still reasonably warm.
Which in itself is a form of procrastination.

However, it was worth it.
 I did feel a lot better afterwards and I think that we all benefited from a bit of fresh autumnal air. 
The lists had to wait, 
they wait still, 
but their turn will come.

#staywild #walk #autumn


October already!

Not sure how the weather is in the southern hemisphere but here in Lancashire it is a little on the wet autumnal side with peach grey clouds flying across a thin blue sky.  I thought I would quickly pop in and say hello and introduce you to the latest list of words. Have fun and remember that it could be a current photo or one from your archives, try to think out of the box and we'll post out pictures and share our stories from Friday the 27th October.

  1. Making ...
  2. Empty
  3. Starts with a .....F
  4. Paper
  5. Neat
  6. Street
  7. Kettle
  8. Unexpected
  9. Vase
  10. My own choice

I might be a little quiet on the blogging front as it is leading up to the TAM - Trawden Artist & Makers Open Studio event and it could get a little busy. But I promise to pop in and say hi and if I have anything interesting to waffle about and share - I will do xxxx
Image may contain: indoor

A quick snap of part of our taster expo being held in Colne Library (our nearest town) as part of our event - Not all the art work had arrived when I took this photo, more has been added since.

#art #openstudios #TAM


Soup-erlicious delicious :)

Firstly thank you so much for joining in with September's Scavenger Hunt - what a lovely lot of photos and stories, once again you have done me proud :) Thank you too to those who take the time to read and comment on all our posts, it certainly makes for a happy blogger!

On Sunday a precious friend spent the day with us.  She brought a most delicious home made soda bread to share with a soup I'd made.

The soup is a recipe that we all love and have regularly and seeing how the weather is today, thought I would share the recipe with you. Like everything in my life there is a back story to it, which I will share at the end of the post.

Butternut and red Lentil Soup

Oil - 1 teaspoon
Onion - 1 medium, peeled and chopped
Carrots - 2 medium, peeled and chopped 
Butternut - 250gms, peeled, deseeded and chopped
Red pepper - deseeded and chopped
Water - boiling, enough to cover your cooking vegetables
Stock cube - 1
Red lentils - 100 gms, rinsed
Seasonings (more on that later)

Gently fry the onions until transparent (and your eyes have stopped watering)
Add the chopped carrots and...
the peeled and chopped butternut
to the onions.
Stir well to coat all the veg with the oil.
Add the chopped pepper, stir well
Crumble in the stock cube
Pour on the freshly boiled water
and stir. You will need to add more once the lentils have been added.
Stir in the rinsed lentils, and if necessary, add additional water to cover.
Season to taste.
I chucked in the usual salt and pepper,
but also added curry powder,
paprika and mustard seeds - as we like hint of heat in our soups. 
Simmer for about 30 minutes - or when all the veg is soft. 
Zimmzimmzimm with a liquidiser,
return to a gentle heat and check seasoning.
Enjoy with crusty bread, soda bread or in this case naan bread.

Nom nom!

...And the back story?

Well, said friend and ourselves have both been to (during different holidays) the Isle of Skye Baking Co, Portree and loved the wholesome filling foods. When I knew she was coming to lunch (with her photos of her recent Skye holiday) it seemed fitting to have a soup we'd first eaten there!

Right, I've got things to do, coffee to drink and paintings to finish! Speak soon xxxx