

11. Not just a number.

11th December, 345th day of the year.

Today, this would have been my Gran's birthday - Happy birthday Gran!

I think this must rate as my favourite photo for my counting down with pictures.....

A sweet little beach hut.
On a wind swept promenade.
Where a few hardy souls were either fishing or just cogitating. 
A number of the beach huts were being used,
their occupants sheltering inside their mini-worlds
some had radios quietly trilling to them, others read books,
some interiors were neat and tidy
with colour coordinated bunting and paint
most were a jumble of sea-associated paraphernalia 
This one,
number 11,
had a beautifully made felt number
The images must mean something special to the owners of this little red box.
I would love to know.

And, for your festive enjoyment - a real oldie (but goodie) Santa baby done by Eartha Kitt and 'friends'

Other news.....
Pan, who has turned out to be a wonderful little cat came to a momentous decision yesterday.

It appears that life with out a bowl full of cat-nibbles is not worth living.........

 Oh dear, I suspect we have to re-think the catering committee, we they seem to have failed (again)..........

More other news - LOOK! I mean, really look, eggs - this time of the year!! One of our dotty hens is laying torpedo shaped eggs daily at the moment. I am not sure who is more surprised - us or her!

Hope your Wednesday tips you towards a lovely end of the week xxxxxxxx hawthorn


  1. Your washing machine must have felt nice and warm. Love the felt plaque. So pretty. xx

  2. Great felt plaque; I wonder how it withstands the weather. Perhaps Pan likes the washing machine because she can keep a beady eye on the bowl below as well as be out of harm's way when big feet hove into view..... It's not fair that you have eggs! It really is not. My girls are not at all obliging at the moment.


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Hawthorn x

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