

What a giggle!

On a cold and windy Monday (Himself and I are on a brief break with the boys) we, plus a friend, were out walking on the hills. Said friend had bought himself a 'gopro' camera and was experimenting with it.

The boys decided in a moment of teenage madness to attach the camera to the back of the dog. Not as barbaric as it sounds as our giddy dog wears a walking harness. With much teenage cussing and discussing they finally managed to make it attach firmly enough and stepped back to watch as the dog had a mad moment and galloped around the hillside. We had a good giggle at her antics but it was not until we got home and downloaded the footage that we laughed until we cried.


All we got was footage of a hairy back and tail and an awful lot of happy huffing and panting as she ran around the field chasing the butterflies in her head!

Another dog made us laugh - not ours this time. As we walked through the final village before returning to the car, we spotted a rather cute house shaped postbox, so we stopped to admire and photograph it.
Only problem was the resident dog took a severe dislike to our interest. However, we could not take it's fierce protective bark seriously as it did wuffed and growled at us whilst holding it's teddy firmly in its mouth....
We did get to see frog spawn - the first we've seen this year! Spring is trying very hard to break free of a lingering winter.   The fields are also finally filling up with lambs. Farmers have had it hard this year with their ewes and lambs - the weather has played a cruel game in their survival - it has been heart-warming seeing wobbly legged lambs appearing.

The easterly wind was still nipping at our cheeks and cutting through our coats when we finally landed back at the car - foot (and knee) sore - but what a lovely walk :)

And you?
What hints of spring have you noticed?
Are the fields near you filling with the sounds and sites of lambs?
Have you seen frog spawn?

1 comment:

  1. I smiled when reading about a dog growling whilst holding a teddy. We have frog spawn too?


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