

For Joy

Every now and then, you come across a lovely blogger who comes across as a genuinely charming person. Joy from Joyjinks Creations pops in and says such kind things. Her own blog is a colourful sharing of her creativity plus snippets of her own life. I have just discovered that she originates from where we have just spent our most recent holiday - so, I am going to dedicate this post 'To Joy' x

Before we set off on our break I knew that we had to watch the weather as rain had been promised. Our second day - Tuesday, was promising to be the best for walking.

We wrapped up warmly as despite the sunshine, the wind was cutting and cold.  Our walk had a bit of a fiscal start to it - Eldest found a discarded £10 note in the middle of nowhere, damp and scrumpled - it had obviously been there a day or two then Youngest lost his wallet in a muddy field full of cows. We searched and searched, tramping up and down a rather steep hill much to the bemusement of the same cows. I did berate the carelessness of Youngest somewhat and when I caught his downcast face, I relented - we were on holiday and his carelessness was his loss and he knew it. So after a hug and a hurried call to the bank (to cancel his card) we continued.
The views were AmAzing - a HUGE sky and rows and rows of waves that filled the entire bay.

We followed the coast, hugging the horizon and breathing in the vastness of it all. I kept an eye on the dark clouds to our right which teased us with a few spots of rain just as we came off the edge of the land and down into a gorse filled hollow.

We stopped on a rocky beach for lunch, taking advantage of some one else's hard work - several stone benches with drift wood seats had been crafted. Sitting out of the biting wind was a delight.

A stone cairn had been constructed in memory of a Stewart Mossman, but no indication why or who he was. There was also a drift wood den - big enough for Eldest to squeeze in - it was quite cozy and certainly warm and dry.

We continued around the headland, once again climbing high up above the shoreline. The pathway seemed to cling to the very edge.
Our trail led us in to the very pretty village of Rockcliffe where a most welcome tea garden beckoned to us. We wrapped cold fingers around steaming mugs of tea and coffee and the boys had the most delicious cakes. We sat in the garden and just enjoyed.
Our walk continued through woodlands and farmland, through fields and whitewashed cottages and finally returned to our car - we felt tired yet exhilarated and ready to return to our Tower for the night.


  1. I am so envious! The cairns etc on the beach are wonderful. I am so glad you have a blog to share with us your delightful photos. Thanks again for your time and effort.

  2. Hawthorn, you are such a sweetheart, thank you so much, what a lovely thing to do - I feel honoured and humble!
    I am so glad you had your lovely break and isn't it a funny thing how everything balances out - gains and losses - but such inconvenience to have to cancel cards with the bank!
    Such lovely pics, beautiful sky, and your own tower - absolutely wonderful, and I'm glad to know the weather held out for you too; oh how I'd love to ramble around that area .. .. .. a huge thank you!
    Warm hugs, Joy xo

  3. Your photos are great - it really does look a wonderful escape. :) x

  4. When I first saw the pictures I thought you had been building one of your stone structures again, then on second look I realised that they were too big, even for you, to have done in such a short time!! Lovely pictures again.

  5. Lovely pictures, you obviously had a great time and no doubt good fun staying in a tower.
    How strange, I stayed in a castle too this weekend, my blog will reveal all!

  6. Such beautiful photos - thank you for sharing x

  7. Wow lovely scenery and love the tower. Looks like a setting for Sleeping Beauty or Rapunzel. Could've played on that beach for hours myself.

  8. Hi
    Its amazing what you find on google. I built the stone cairn, inukshuk and bench.
    I have holidayed at castle point for 45 yrs and had may happy times on the beach with my Dad. I do like a project and built the cairn there. I has stood since 2006, but fear these recent storms have destroyed them all.



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Hawthorn x

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