

A bit of this and a bit of that x

I took the decorations down last night - it felt excessive and cluttered to still have the tree up in the new year. So, unceremoniously,  it was banished for another 12 months and the house instantly looked bigger and felt tidier.
Some years ago, after a particularly long and dull and grey weathered winter, I 'accidently' forgot to put some fairy lights away and their cheerful bright spots of light quietly kept our house happy. Ever since then,  I have kept lights out all year round. Perfect for those moments when I crave a little mood boost or we have company or just for the simple 'need of it'.

Any hoo - chrimbly clutter gone - it certainly feels right to continue to de-clutter and do a little preemptive spring cleaning! Just not right now, nope - going to do some therapeutic knitting -**happy sigh**

Now, before I start - some knitting news..... I was tempted not to show progress pictures of my KAL knit and natter challenge but - having never knitted lace before - I am privately SuPer ExcITed at my progress!

Ooh isn't this so very grown up of me!? It is called the travelling vine pattern and I CAN'T BELIEVE that I am knitting it - heart flutter :) sqweeeeeeee.

In all honesty, I think nearly every stitch has been knitted at least twice. I have spent a fair bit of time frogging and cussing and counting and re-counting and checking and getting befuddled and I am enjoying the pattern as it creeps off the needles and gently gently grows.

Going to now put blogging aside, reach for my knitting and my mug of tea that Eldest has just presented to me (I did have to ask him to put the kettle on - you should have heard the teenage mutterings and groanings).

G'nite my dears, keep warm and keep crafting :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Yes, I love your festive lights you leave in situ. There are many dark, damp days till spring that need a little lift other than the 12 days of Christmas. Love your lacy pattern, looking forward to see what your finished article will be.x

  2. My Christmas decorations have also been put away but I noticed jak's Christmas tree was still up yesterday! I too keep my coloured lights up permanently as I find the next few weeks dreary. So you have started on the KnK mystery yarn. Hmmmmm I had better get on with mine. Have an idea or two but lack motivation!!!


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