


Things that make my heart sing.
A bird's feather catching the breeze.

A beautifully knitted brooch for a birthday gift.

Drinking tea from a thoughtfully chosen mug.
 Finding the most teeny-weeny perfect fern frond.
Wearing a new favourite ring - a spinning Celtic ring - another very thoughtfully gifted birthday present

Finding beauty in rust and history
Being gifted gemstones and 'found' stones by people who know my love for these little spherules
Wearing something ancient and modern, ammonite and silver.
Being tickled by somebody small and green
.....these are some of the things that make my heart sing.

And reading your comments and thoughts - they make my heart sing too - thank you xx


  1. It makes my senses sing to see these photos....these images of so many things akin to my own loves and likes,to things that awaken joy,fascination and wonder in me. I love even the title....sensational post!!!

    keep well

    Amanda xx

  2. Such wonderful photos, yet again. Best one? The frond, with your new cup a close second!

  3. This is a delightful post Hawthorn, and makes MY heart sing, thank you! xoJoy

  4. Beautiful, happy things. What a heart lifting post :)

  5. Lovely pictures as usual. xx

  6. The brooch is so lovely as are all your other photos.


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Hawthorn x

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