

Hats off to Shakespeare....

To 'Ta daa or not to Ta daa' that is the question -
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to knit with
the needles and threads of outrageous stash
or to take a crochet hook against the sea of yarn,
and by opposing - weave in the ends. To knit, to knit
no more and by a sleep to say we cast off
the heartache and the thousand stitches (thanks Will S.)

Now. To ta daa or not to ta daa?
Well, on a positive note - Yes I have finished my slouchy and yes it is indeed that - a slouchy. The knit was fast and soft. Squishy soft without being fluffy or nose-tickly. It is warm and cozy to wear. Actually, I am miss-leading you here, it is not cozy, coz cozy implies a warm and snuggly close fitting hat.

 Which, this slouchy is neither. Snug nor close fitting.

My slouchy is bordering on big. Soft and big and almost with poncho-sized qualities. Draped down over my brows and ears and almost resting on my shoulders....again I am miss-leading you. It is not THAT big, but ALMOST!

Again with the positives -it was super easy to knit up, I loved making it as I found it flew off the needles in a soothing and creative way. The colours are my favourites and (I keep returning to this) it is so so super soft and squishy.....but LARGE. Hmmmmmm

A quick rendition of Paul McCartney's The Frog Chorus can be heard in the back of my head - think it is frogging time!

Oh and my apologies to William Shakespeare for my shameless rip off of his famous soliloquy  - and to make amends - here is the correct version......

To be, or not to be, that is the question—
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep—
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks

Now, got to go, we're on the hunt for school pants for Youngest. His school has the endearing habit of slightly updating their uniform every year and making it compulsory for all students to have the new style. This time there is the small alteration of an added embroidered  logo to the trousers - creating a major shortage of that particular style as all the students are required to have them......deep joy. I just *love* shopping (not) particularly for extra school clothing when he already has two pairs of his own (and has just inherited 2 pairs from Eldest) of perfectly fitting and good condition pants......


  1. Just love uniform updates!! My personal favourite - changing the rugby kit to white - yes white!!! Who could ever think that was a good idea? Good luck with your shopping - and knitting! x

  2. Have you decided to frog or pull the thread at the start of the ribbing? Have fun, whichever you decide to do. xx

  3. Why do schools do that. I remember the year my son started secondary school they decided to reintroduce the wearing of the school blazer for all new students. The year groups above ribbed the newbies so much that after a few weeks the blazer lost its way to the back of the wardrobe and never saw the light of day again.
    I love the hat!

  4. plenty of room for long hair in that hat - I like it. Schools - bah, don't get me started.

  5. Hmm, yes it does look to be a generous size.... Pepper looks very scary! School uniforms?? Oh, I do not want reminding about the time I had to wear one. It was not the wearing per se that bothered me but they were so awful. I had a blazer in the first year and 7 years later I was still wearing it, so it must have been huge to start with!


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