

Walking, reading, breathing, listening - living.


Starting at Kirkby Malham in the Yorkshire Dales.
Stumbling across poetry in unexpected places.

Reading Malhamdale by Betty Chester (Nee Banks) aged 18 in 1881.  

A lane along our route, and the name? The Weets? - It means Wet...... and it was.

Breathing in the cool air, Eldest stands on the trig point at our highest point and lunch stop.
The puddles were huge. 

 12 bee homes for the solitary bee strategically placed in a narrow strip of woodland 
alongside the fast flowing stream thrown from Janet's Foss
Each nest's roof made using a book with a bee related subject - a beautiful thought provoking art installation by Alec Finlay.
Listening to the crashing of the water, Youngest stands at the edge of Jane's Foss.

As the afternoon became early evening, chevrons of birds flew over head.
Dusk. Wintry tree skeletons reaching up into the sky. 

Sunday - Quiet walking in quiet countryside. Only sounds were the birds and the thunderous crash of the waters of Janet's Foss.  I'd taken my knitting, however our only stop was our lunch break and the air was too cool to linger.

Now, home, the woodburner rumbling away making the house warm, the boys in bed and Himself watching a science programme.

A sort of quiet thoughtful day. Introspective. Reflective. Meditative.


  1. You can't beat a good, wet walk! Rather you than me.... Great photos as usual.

  2. Your posts are so beautiful and poetic. Stop making me miss the UK :)

  3. At this time of the year when I see flocks of birds heading off I always wonder if they are embarking on a long arduous journey. You always find lovely things to photograph, when out walking, I think I need to be more vigilant!

  4. A beautiful post with stunning pictures. I love the Autumnal colours of the photos and the little acons.
    Thank you for sharing the poem, and to think Betty was only 18 when she wrote it, she is so talented.
    I can here the crashing of the water as it falls, yes I wonder where the birds are flying to.

    You live is a beautiful part of Yorkshire.


  5. Love everything about this post. The images are transporting!
    The bee homes is so fantastic. What wonderful memories you are creating.

  6. How fantastic to come across literature, and books themselves, in such a wild and beautiful place, especially poetry. One day I'd like to see Simon Armitage's 'Stanza Stones' in the Pennines. Your photos are gorgeous, and it sounds like you had a relaxing, contemplative day x

  7. A wonderful walk, wrapped up, bracing the elements-satisfying.

  8. You took us on an amazing walk, I really enjoyed it, beautiful photos.

  9. Beautiful pictures !
    Thanks for the visit !
    Have a nice week !

  10. What a lovely walk through Malhamdale and those Bee books are just the "bees knees" (sorry about that).
    Love your fair isle knitting in the last post. Not done any of that for many years. Take care.


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