

21 Winter Solstice

 The turning of the seasons, the return of the light. These things are important.

It is the start of my year, not the end.
Seeds from the garden that fell in autumn, need vernalisation through winter to create new life.
The cold of winter cleans the earth - ready for new growth in spring.
Late dawn, early sunset, longest night, shortest day.
A low arc of sun across the sky.
I struggle with the darkness, the lack of light but knowing that in a few days that the small time change 
adds up to a very gentle increase of light. 

Although the actual time for the solstice is late today - 23.03pm and it is the following dawn (Monday's) when the celebrations really kick in.  

But tonight we celebrate Yule, celebrating the return of the sun.



  1. The calendar looks amazing
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. A beautiful calendar, wonderful illustrations. Very much looking forward to a teeny bit more light each day, I have missed it.

  3. Beautiful images! Expressed so well. I tend just to think "yeah! It gets lighter from here on in!"

  4. Big thumbs up from me. Lovely lovely photos!

  5. A lovely post! Yes, a time for reflection and for looking forward to light and warmth. I'm very fond of hares and love your calendar. Happy Solstice to you :)
    Cathy x

  6. And a Happy Winter Solstice to you.

  7. Looking forward to the slight improvement each day, a few minutes a day soon add up.. xx

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

  9. Looking forward to a little more daylight too!

  10. Yes, spring is on its way. Is it me or have the days this last week been so much darker than in previous years? Quite depressing but the days will soon be longer. Am considering now what seed potatoes to buy/order!

  11. This is a beautiful blog, post and the calender is so magical. Solstice blessings from a new follower!
    Best wishes,

    1. P.S. Just came back to say thank you for visiting me. It is lovely to connect with you on blogger too. I don't do many post a month but I will visit you again in the New Year, when I can. I will also add your blog to my blog list. I think we have much in common. I love the sun symbol and of course hares! ;-)


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Hawthorn x

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