

Carol singing 17

Our village church organises a living advent throughout the month of December where a member of the congregation or of the local scouting group hosts an evening where people can congregate and sing carols while hot beverages and festive nibbles are served. During November programmes and identifying stars start to appear.

We've been to a few over the years, gone wrapped up and come back frozen! When my boys were much younger and part of the cubs we helped serve mince pies and tea to shivering singers, Youngest even played the keyboard one year to accompany the singing....only he'd forgotten the main part of the tune he was playing and just played the chorus over and over again...and again... again.. until the cub leader gently stepped forward and switched of the power and the carol singers could stop chuckling.

Ah silly memories :)

Here's to the singers getting cold tonight :)

Joining up with Julie every day as we celebrate the chrimbly count down :) 
Why don't you take a look and see who else has joined :)


  1. That sounds a lovely idea
    Julie xxxxxx

  2. Silly memories are worth having! Suzy x

  3. The memories are the best bit. When my son was chosen to play Joseph he could not understand why people were calling him Joseph when his name was Robert! Every christmas that memory still comes to mind and makes me chuckle.

  4. Hello Hawthorn

    I'm loving your advent countdown and little stories. Not silly memories at all but treasured memories.

  5. Thanks for your daily posts. They keep me informed of local goings on that I had no idea was happening!


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Hawthorn x

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