

Festive traditions and chrimbly counting - 14

When we returned from Africa and moved to our present home, our budget was very tight. So we started hand delivering the festive cards we had written for our friends in the village. Although the village is not large our boys were very small and the weather unreliable - so we did this with a certain amount of trepidation.

We survived.

The boys grew bigger and the walk seemed to get easier and quicker.

The weather remained unreliable.

So developed our festive village walkabout tradition.  

We'd been out late late on Friday evening with Himself's side of the family for a festive get-together. So when we woke up to a bright and crisp Saturday, I decided that today would be this year's village walkabout, it would help clear our heads and get our cards delivered at the same time. We woke the youngsters, ate breakfast and then having wrapped up well, we set off.  We trooped off (with me clutching a chrimbly door wreath to give to a friend) and dropped off cards for a couple of hours. 
 In the far distance a snow covered Pendle hill.
Our hill - Boulsworth with a light dusting of snow. Our furthest drop was at the base of the hill. 
As we walked along we kept our eyes on that bank of cloud. 
We met some of the locals
 Youngest found a chunk of ice and we marveled at the layers and its brittleness. 
Held up to the eye made the sun twinkle and sky look dappled.
 Mostly icy and crisp under foot, some paths were definitely on the muddy side. 
Geriatric dog required a bath when we were home.
Eldest and Girlfriend talked non stop the whole way round
Then, just as we got home - the heavens opened and a sharp hail shower made us scurry indoors. Time to have home made leek and potato soup and hunks of bread - yum. 

Now back to chrimbly count down - 14! 

Job done!

Joining up with Julie every day as we celebrate the chrimbly count down :) 
Why don't you take a look and see who else has joined :)


  1. Ahhh, lovely donkey. Pendle looked great with its now cap on.

  2. Snap, we have home-made leek and potato soup and chunky bread for lunch yesterday. x x

  3. just caught up with your blogs - lovely. Need to know what you gave/received for secret santa. Pics please x

  4. Your walk sounds lovely
    Julie xxxxxxx

  5. Weren't you lucky with the weather? What a wonderfully bright, crisp morning! Lovely photos, and soup to come home to - doesn't get much better than that :)
    Cathy x

  6. Hello Hawthor

    A lovely story and what a brilliant tradition, your walk sounds wonderful and I love the photo of Pendal Hill.
    Home made soup, there is nothing better.


  7. Very lovely post and how nice to do such things in prep for Christmas! Huge thanks to you for your kind message recently and I will be in touch very soon - you really are so lovely! Sending love to you and yours,
    Joy xo

  8. Pendle in the snow with blue sky is always a gorgeous sight. I notice that Giddy Dog is now referred to as Geriatric Dog - sign of times passing; eldest has a girlfriend and dog has aged!


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Hawthorn x

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