

Thank you!

I am really touched by all your lovely comments and emails - thank you - My life is still as busy but recently I have been in a better frame of mind.

This weekend I am using as a breathing space. Wild wet weather outside is certainly helping.

I mentally blocked off all 'things to do' and had a really lazy start to my day.  I did try (briefly) unsuccessfully do some housework but soon gave that up.

There was a bit of a grump going on, triggered by a combination of lanky teenagers and social media problems (our cell phone mast is not working). Fortunately that calmed down when the boys resorted to watching Mongol - the Rise of Genghis Khan  - perfect for this day of 'hibernation'.

I have been lucky with this blogging lark to have made some lovely kind and generous bloggy-friends. One of them - Susan from Granny Smith's Quilting and I have a shared love for the Yorkshire Dales. Her knowledge of the area and her holidays there made me think, that despite her coming from Australia, she was originally a Yorkshire lass born and bred. It turns out she is as 'foreign' as I and we both hail from the colonies!

Any hoo, where this waffle's leading to,  is on Friday, when I came home I found a parcel waiting for me - look....
Ooh - 'foreign' labels!
Inside was a parcel in the prettiest' paper - I love the song bird
And inside?
Something beautifully made.
I love love the fabric!
Beautiful on both sides
But this was not the only surprise...
 Tucked inside was a gift box 
and a very appropriate card

Thank you Susan - very generous and knowing how busy you are, 
thank you for making such a beautiful table runner.

Thank you xxxx

PS - the house is just mine - Himself and Eldest have gone walking, with the go-pro, off to our local waterfall and Youngest has gone out with a friend for the afternoon - so I have a cat, a mug of tea, my laptop and some  'me time' bliss xx


  1. What a kind gift! Things like this brighten a day :-). Enjoy your me-time!!
    Happy weekend, Nata xxx

  2. Lucky you, nice gifts! Ah the bliss of me time!

  3. Glad it arrived safely and you liked it. Also, thanks to you, for being one of my blogpals. Keep posting about our beautiful dales and enjoy your "me" time, breathe slow and deep and take care.

  4. lovely work. Keep up the Me Time! xx

  5. I hope you are enjoying your time alone. I've got the house to myself too - but I've definitely been over ambitious with my plans. Still, sitting down now with a nice glass of wine, and supper on a tray! :) x

  6. That table runner is so beautifully made, it is gorgeous and the wrapping paper is so pretty.Enjoy your quiet time and feel refreshed. Nothing like a brew and a cat for making the world feel better. xx

  7. Great gift. The table runner is gorgeous. Enjoy your me time. Relish each minute!

  8. Hope you had the best in your me time, it does not happen that often. Lovely parcel.

  9. A lovely gift and hope you got to enjoy your me time!

  10. Your table runner is gorgeous. Enjoy your tea and me time.


  11. I'm glad you got your breathing space. take care xxx

  12. I'm glad to hear that you've found time to relax and recharge, and how lovely to receive that sweet present :)
    Cathy x


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Hawthorn x

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