

Practising Gratitude

My life seems very full at the moment and I felt to be almost overwhelmed by it all.  I found I was procrastinating or refusing to acknowledge what needed doing or finishing or starting or continuing. I am sort of doing that right now but, after 2 hours of study my brain does need a moment of light relief.

Quite by chance I read something and it has quite literally turned me around.  Practising Gratitude.

It seemed so simple. Almost too simple to make a difference to my furrowed brow or my tense neck and clenched jaw.

But is has.

I read the article a couple of times and that night as I drifted off, I started to list the things that I was grateful for.

And the list grew.

And grew.

And grew.

As did my smile. It did take me a bit to fall asleep, I kept remembering something to be thankful for!

The next day, I woke feeling (tired but) remarkably chipper - I can't normally be called a 'morning person'. There was the usual rush and chaos to get to school and work, then once the boys were dropped off and I was driving - I thought of my list.

I started again with a 'fresh tally of gratitude' and it kept on rolling on and on as gently thoughts and things, people and places came up. I was amazed.

I have kept it going now a full week and I feel different.

I am happier.

Work feels a better place to go to.

My home seems more precious to me.

My family are treasured beyond time and space. I am grateful that my Mum is healing, I am grateful that my Dad looks after her so wonderfully, I am grateful that my boys are - well my boys and I am grateful to the moon and back for Himself - for without him I feel less than half. I am so very lucky.

I am grateful for the friends I have made, both here and in the tinterworld - they help make my world a much better place - thank you.

And it all starts with - 'I am grateful for the air that I breathe'.

Give it a try.

THIS is also interesting.


  1. I too am grateful for so many things. It does one good to think of them and be thankful. :) xx

  2. Thanks for that wonderful post as I'm not in the best of spirits at the moment either, so I'll give that a go and see how I feel. Hope you have a great weekend and take care.

  3. I think I need to do this, it sounds perfect x

  4. Lovely uplifting post, it's so easy to get caught up in the dreary side of life, but we do have wonderful things as well. Made me smile, thank you xxx

  5. For years now, as I drift off to sleep I have concentrated on the good bits of the day and given thanks for them all, from simple things like waking up the next day to dealing with a tricky problem. Yes, it is good to be grateful.

  6. It does require practice, but when you get going you find much to be grateful for. I have a jar and I write notes of things I am grateful for and pop them in there! xx

  7. How interesting...I just finished writing a post about each new day and what it can bring. I was going to start listing all of those things which keep me sane but I feared the post would go on and on and on! Suffice it to say I just wrote how grateful I am for every day, every person in my life and mostly my creativity which keeps me sane and busy! I am glad I am one who feels a need to make. It has truly been my saviour in times of great struggles and it gives me so much joy in my soul.

  8. Gratitude is a wonderful to cultivate, I need to remember that always. Thank you for your post.

  9. I am so glad you have found this technique, and thank you for the reminder to practise it more thoroughly.

    We do 'create our own reality' and I have absolutely no doubt that focussing on all the wonderful things we have to be thankful for brings more of the same to us. You'll probably think I am daft but I try to start every morning silently saying 'thank you' for the wonderful, steaming, powerful hot water in my shower. And the fact that I just left a warm, dry, comfortable bed, with the ones I love in the same room (that'll be dog and DH then!). And so it goes on, not making a performance of the 'thanks' but just noticing all the little things which make up our lives that we take for granted.

    Even this computer, my internet connection, the wonderful in inspiring things I read on blogs.

    At a time like this, when we have witnessed the horrors in Paris since your post, it is perhaps even more important.

    Sorry I have been AWOL from commenting for a while, but I read all your posts, even when I do not say anything:-)


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Hawthorn x

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