

22. Winter Solstice - the turning of the seasons.

Twenty two - a rather muddy one.

A strange year - weather wise.
A roller coaster year.
A nearly completed calendar year.

Winter solstice - the north pole is tilted away from the warm of the sun, shying away from the light so we receive the fewest hours of sunlight of the year.

But it does mean that we are tipping towards summer.
Gently gently, moment by moment the earth readdresses the balance and our days lengthen.
The wheel turns.
The cycle continues.

Solstice can be a magical - it can be contemplative, it can feel rejuvenating and it can feel positive. Over the years we have celebrated with food and stories, with candles and songs, but this year, I suspect we will just celebrate quietly relishing the thought of the return of the sun.


  1. Oh joyous day! Summer is on its way. Now I can be postiive and look forward. For some reason I had convinced myself the Solstice was last Saturday, when it was lovely and sunny. So I 'celebrated' then.... till I was informed it was not until today; so I will have a double celebration!

    The little china birds on your tree are delightful.

  2. Certainly wet and muddy here, not Christmassy at all.
    Love your tree
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Solstice blessings from my home to yours :-}

  4. I know that every evening Malcolm will comment on it getting lighter - like me he hates the short dark days of winter!

  5. Your tree looks gorgeous, and very festive indeed. It's mild, windy and wet here, but good to celebrate the solstice and look forward to lighter days.
    Cathy x

  6. It reached 16 degrees C here today. If we'd had some sun with it I'm sure it would have felt like summer. Though warm I think we've experienced some very dark days, darker than usual at this time of year.
    You have a very festive tree, very pretty.
    Wishing you a merry christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

  7. I am sure Jacqueline is right, I think I heard something last week that, so far, December had been the dullest month in terms of light levels.

  8. We have been waiting for today for weeks. Now each day is a day nearer to spring :) You are lucky your little china birds have not flown away. A couple of us were very tempted to release them and rehome them!! xx

  9. Funny how here on the other side of the world, we are waiting for just the opposite. Weatherwise, yes it's weird here too. Does J mean that little white dove as I have one too. Take care.


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