

A dozen eggs (12) - and another festive Ta-Da!

Thank you for your lovely comments- they make my heart go squeeeee:)

Just up the lane from where we live, is this sign. Offering up eggs at £2.00 a dozen. Our village has a lot of back-garden hens and as spring slips into summer, hens get busy and the cockerels get louder and earlier...... sometimes we get woken at 4am by their cheerfully raucous crowing. *nice*

I was let free at work with the window artwork pens a couple of days ago and I decided against the usual designs of cute dogs and cats, with parcels beneath the tree......I chose stags in the snow, owls in huge conifers beneath the moon and the stars.
One of the staff members tentatively requested firstly a squirrel 
then she whispered... could she have a grizzly bear......?
What better time than at chrimbly time to grant wishes!
And of course I had have my favourite magical creature...
Suddenly a hare appeared dreaming mysterious dreams
while an owl watched from the tree.
I still had a little time left before the end of my working day
I still had drawing in my fingers
I drew myself a vixen

catching snowflakes with her tongue.

I went home very happy :)



  1. Wow, they're brilliant. What a fantastic way to spend a day at work! If you lived closer, I'd ask you to draw something on my windows.

  2. Love those windows = you are very talented
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  3. Hawthorn, how clever are you!!!!! Knitting, words and now "art". Ilook forward to seeing what else you are capable of. The days seem to be flying by and before we know it that magical will here then gone again for another year. Take care and waiting for tomorrow.

  4. I know where these eggs are! It is where my girls went to live before I moved! Nice to be reminded about them. Better still is the artwork on your work's windows. Fabulous. Susan Smith can add cooking, baking, parenting, hospitality to your list of skills. If I think long enough I can add more. Wish I could draw....

  5. !!!! I LOVE your window art! Can you come paint all my windows, with permanent marker? ;) xxx

  6. They are beautiful. :) Susan, art was the first talent, knitting and crochet came very much later and now she outshines her teachers! I echo Threads through my life with the rest of the list of her skills. xx

  7. Absolutely love that window art!!!! I also love different!!!

    keep well

    Amanda xx

  8. So beautiful🙂 I am sure those windows will give tremendous pleasure not only to your colleagues but to everyone who walks past over the next couple of months.

    What next? Perhaps an Easter version, then the Summertime Window.

    1. D'uh? That should have been 'couple of weeks' not months ... it will be such a shame when the decision is made to clean away your beautiful pictures.

  9. Such talent you have, your work colleagues must have been delighted with the finished result

  10. Love your window art and subject matter...very Nordic and Christmassy. Wish I was brave enough to do that...I guess mine would look more like some unfortunate happenings of birds if you get my meaning :) looking forward to other Christmassy posts loving your calendar theme. Barbara X

  11. Wow, that is fantastic!!! You are so talented! The windows look really beautiful and will attract a lot of attention and interest I am sure! xx

  12. your window is just gorgeous xxx

  13. Wow those windows are amazing - you are very talented.


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Hawthorn x

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