

In which a song gets stuck in my head and we meet some silly sheep!

S'funny how a song from a long time ago can resurface and then become entwined with 'the now'.
On Friday whilst we were out walking in Wensleydale - we came across an old flagstone pathway and all I could hear in my head was this ... We're on the road to nowhere by Talking Heads.
 I stopped counting when I reached 500 flagstones and I'd only walked about half way... 
I wonder how many man hours were involved building this path?

The boys are on half term and we are trying to fit in as much as we can between the weather fronts, driving lessons, extra tuition and exam preparation, volunteering, transporting boys to and from  friends/girlfriends/jobs - not sure how we will fit it all in!

During the same walk, Himself suddenly stopped, 
waved his hand to slow us all down and go into 'stealth mode' 
(after years of walking together, we have developed a form of non communicative communication -  a mixture of whistles, hand movements and body action).  
What had Himself spotted?  
We all stooped down, changed our pace and slipped quietly forward.
Ahead, on the fallen log ...

I dropped down further and pulled up the camera... 
Himself had spotted a 'nest of lambs'
curled up in the hollow of a fallen log
in the last rays of the sun ... 
I could not believe my luck
as I snuck closer - the lambs watching all the time.
I could hear the others quietly taking photos behind me.
The lambs only moved when one of the mums baa-ed.
They stood up, stretched their little legs and tottered off,
leaving us with smiling :)

We followed them as they pottered along the pathway towards the small flock of ewes. The lambs were in no hurry. We all reached the ewes together - it seemed silly not to bring out the camera again.

This ewe was licking my fingers :)
 These girls followed us for a little way ...
 Such a friendly little family.
Hopefully we'll get out an about again during this week - I rather enjoyed this jolly out - I would love to be able to repeat it!



  1. Gee you have some wonderful walks in stunning countryside. Of course Wensleydale is gorgeous and I just want to be there. The flagstone path is awesome and the sheep being so friendly is an added bonus. Enjoy the rest of the Easter break and take care.

  2. How beautiful and on an Easter Sunday! Lovely photos...magic times! Happy Days!

  3. I get songs stuck in my head as well. What gorgeous photos, that looks like it was a beautiful walk. B x

  4. Lovely photo's on your road to nowhere.

  5. Those girls look in lovely condition, and how relaxed they are with you near their babies.

    Thank you (not! ha ha ha) for today's musical brain worm!

  6. (B)Aaaah cute!! What a friendly bunch! Hope 'earworm' has gone by now. They can be most annoying! xx

  7. The lambs are adorable.

  8. Oh my goodness, those lambs are gorgeous! All the sheep look well too. A very seasonal walk, and the flagstone path is impressive as well. Hope you've had a good Easter.
    Cathy x

  9. So it's not just me that has to count things! So glad I am not alone ..... love the flagstone path and also the 'nest of lambs' - how sweet.

  10. Oh such cute lambs...unlike the scrawny little things I was helping feed the other night! x


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