

Scavenger photo-challenge - April

Welcome to our first Scavengerphoto-challenge :) A photo inspired by a word, words inspired by the photos - enjoy xx

When, in 2000, we'd returned to the UK with not a penny spare I fell in love with a Kilim rug in a small junk shop. It had a price tag of £75 - way way beyond my pocket but I really really wanted it. I saved pennies, saved pounds, walked passed the shop almost daily, watched watched saved saved and eventually managed to pay for it. Carrying it home on my shoulder was an amazing feeling. It has been part of our family life and as you can see - is becoming threadbare in places. I have been researching how to do an 'authentic' repair job but so far (and several unpickings later) I haven't quite succeeded...

We were on a really good walk Himself and I as we bumbled through the quiet little village of Whittington where we discovered a mosaic depicting St Micheal the Archangel. Apparently the pebbles used were locally gathered by the villagers from the River Lune, just a couple of fields away. Notice his 'feathery' wings? Yeah - me too! Bam! Job done :)

Something  fresh
We love terrariums and my current favourite is this one - a mini 'woodland floor' with tiny ferns, pebbles and moss. I'd just sprayed it with water and it made the delicate fronds sing in a bright fresh green.

Despite a cutting breeze - the view was amazing. (Tap on the picture to 'enbiggen' the view)

Slipping along the pathway we met a couple, he was scowling and muddy up to the knees and she just smiled apologetically. He looked at us and pointed at his feet - 'The track is a mess, puddles are deep - you are going to get wet'. I glanced over at his wife, she was barely muddy. He was correct about the track being wet - but we seemed to survive (as had his wife) - he must have overbalanced and hit the deck.

Some years ago, I lived in a commune style set up, worked for an educational environmental charity and learned about life. I fell in love with traditional crafts and learnt a few. One of them was hedge laying - I loved it, the cutting and layering, the weaving and steeping, the wielding of bilhooks and axes. So when I see a hedge being laid - I always gravitate towards it. 

It has been a slow start to spring but last Saturday the sun shone and it warmed our bones and the buds seems to just swell.

Camel hair coat and tiger's eye signet ring - both inherited from my Gran. They are very 'her', elegant, full of gracious poise and timeless. 

Years and years ago she once told me a story about that ring.  We lived in a hot and steamy African country and she had been cooking that evening's meal using beef mince.  A day or two later, when she was doing some house work, she wiped her hair off her face and inhaled an awful whiff. She searched the room for the smell in vain. Once or twice, when her fringe was plastered to her hot forehead (did I mention we lived in a hot and steamy African country?) she wiped her hair away only to be almost over come again by the rotting smell. She blamed the cat, she blamed the dog. It was only when, once again her hand was near her face she realised the stench was emanating from the tiger's eye ring - she pulled off and found that underneath was a small nugget of mince - happily rotting away beneath the stone .... I can still hear her horrified voice regaling the story, and it still makes me giggle :)

 This one I only just got my the skin of my teeth - it was the one image I was just not 'getting'. Nothing I saw fitted my ideal for 'Sticks' until, that is, one day last week during lunch. I'd driven out of town and parked up to make the most of the glorious weather and while I was absent-mindedly munching on my lunch, these walkers quietly pootled by. I stared enviously - they were out enjoying the day and I was watching the clock.  It was almost as they walked out of view I realised what I had very nearly missed - they each gently strode out with a walking pole in their right hands - Sticks!!! 

One of my own choice 
Eldest and Himself working away at what looked like a half hundred weight of bamboo which had taken over part of the garden - thanks guys - it was far more than I could handle xx

Well, I have enjoyed sharing little stories with the photos - If you want to see what everyone else has done - here are the links :)
  1. Lovely Lady - Thread through my Life (private blog) - Link
  2. Jak - Link
  3. Eldest - Link
  4. Aril - Wonderings & Wanderings from Gnat Bottomed Towers
  5. Susan- Granny Smith's Quilting
  6. Sustainablemum
  7. Julie  -Julie's Scrapbook
  8. Tess - Driftwood
  9. Eileen T - In my playroom
  10. Jackie - Winters End Rambler
  11. Kezzie - KezzieAG
  12. Jules - A Hidden Jem
  13. Cathy -The House with the Blue Door 
Excuse me now, I am off to have a look at what you lovely people have done :) Woo hoo!


  1. Oh, I've just realised I've commented on the photos of eldest, Jak and Lovely Lady and will they come up here, which will make me look a bit silly? Glad you got your "Sticks" photo and can't believe how you've all interpreted everything so differently. I thought I might be the first to post, but seems you beat me.(giggle). It's great. Have a good weekend and take care.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting this I really enjoyed going on this hunt. I loved that I didn't need to be taking photos for photos sake as they were, mostly, taken on walks or other activities that we did during the week!

    I love your pictures and stories especially the one about the ring! So looking forward to hearing about the categories for May.

    P.S. My link above doesn't work :( my post is here ;)

    1. Ooh sorry I've muxed up your link - I've been and fixed it now!!! Off to see your photos :)

  3. Great photos; too hard to choose an overall best one but am thinking about it. I have a load of bamboo I wish to remove from my garden.....

  4. Fabulous set of pictures (but I expected no less from you!) and great cameos explaining each one.

    Thanks for the participants list, I shall have a bimble over and see how everyone else is doing. Again, apologies for having to drop out of this challenge, hope I can get myself organised enough for the next one . . . there WILL be another one, won't there :-}

  5. Lovely pictures. Thank you for letting me join in
    Julie xxxxxxx

  6. Thank you that was fun. Lovely to see different interpretations of the categories. Thank you too for reminding me of the ring story!! ❤❤xx

  7. what great photos, I've just posted mine, thanks for hosting x

  8. I haven't posted yet-will try and get on and complete it tonight!!!Xx
    Love, love, love your stories behind the items. The mince one is hilarious!!! Also loved the dedication towards getting your frankly beautiful rug!!!

  9. Still finalising my photos...nearly there...been busy house moving. x

  10. Fabulous photos. Love the mosaic one....I'm a Michaelmas baby so he always gets my attention!

  11. Lovely stories to go with your photos! I love your 'horizon' photo. Mine's almost ready. Thanks for hosting this - a great idea!
    Cathy x

  12. I have really enjoyed looking through everyones photographs this morning (the reason I am still in my pyjamas!). Thank you so much for organising this. Eldest, Jaks and Lovely Lady's are all wonderful too. I love the vibrant colours in your 'something fresh' photograph. X


Hi there...

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Hawthorn x

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