

Lucky stars and counting 19

On a fairly (no - extremely) remote island walk, we found, along the practically indistinct pathway (I am sure it was just a sheep track ...) this fishing buoy. It had not been there long as the grass beneath was still fresh and only lightly dented.  And the sea? Quite a way off and the path was too high up for the buoy to have just rolled there on the day's light breeze ... so who'd carried it there and then abandoned it? 
'Curiouser and Curiouser' as Alice would have said.

Little lucky paper stars 

You will need ....
Pliable A4 paper (cartridge or origami)
Embroidery thread and needle
Optional (and I hasten to add it should come with a health warning) glue and G*L*I*T*T*E*R

1. Measure, along the length of the paper, 2cm wide strips and cut out - each strip makes a star
2. Tie a 'knot' at one end of your strip of paper - careful not to pull too light as you want your paper to stay flat. 
3.Having tied your 'knot', flatten the creases firmly with your fingers
4. Take the short end of the paper ribbon and tuck into the knot - see photos below
5. Once tucked in, turn knot over and fold the long piece around, tightening the creases as you go along. The knot creates a pentagon shape which 'forces' your paper ribbon to go around the different edges of the pentagon as you wrap. Crease firmly each time. See photo below
6. Once you have used up all the paper ribbon, the last little piece must be tucked in and all creases pressed down.
7. If the very last little bit of paper comes out further than it should, snip off the excess - see below
8. Now for the persuasion part! Pinch the points of the pentagon, working around your shape as you go. You will have to go around a number of times before the star holds it's new form
9. You should, fairly quickly, have a mini galaxy forming. They are little papery delights as they cluster together. It is at this point you should think carefully as to the next step..... to  G*L*I*T*T*E*R or not to G*L*I*T*T*E*R
10 I chose to G*L*I*T*T*E*R
11. I am STILL clearing up the sparkle and twinkle. 

If you have been inspired by my tutorial, 
please could you be so kind to link back to my blog
I would love to see your little lucky stars :)

Linking with Julie's Advent

#crafts  #christmascrafts  #handmadewithlove #handicraft #inspiredby #imadethis #livelovecraftme


  1. They look great, I must have a go at those

    Julie xxxxxx

  2. Another lovely idea. Keep them coming. xxx

  3. Love that buoy & wonder too about the story behind it. the little stars are cute, but look difficult. Take care.

  4. The abandoned buoy looks so sad. Surprised you did not bring it home!

  5. SOOOO clever!!! If only I wasn't going away tomorrow, I would totally make these!!! Please remind me of all these ideas next Chisitmas!


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