

Pine cones with a pop of colour and chrimbly counting 7

It had been a cool dark day and we'd driven across the island down to the far end. Even a flat waterlogged slip of sand in the sea lost many men and boys during the wars and on a rare slope of land a proud and lonely cenotaph stood tall, facing the empty lands where once the men would have worked the fields. The silence was overwhelming. We sat briefly and felt the chill. At the base, tucked behind wire netting so they would not blow away, a row of poppy wreathes.

Pine cones of colour

You will need:
A selection of cones
Yarns, threads, wools - any colour, plain or sparkly 
Suitable bowl
Optional - additional plain cones and/or decorations

1. Choose cones that have nice open scales, it makes it easier to wind the yarn around the spaces.
2. Start at the top, loosely wrap your yarn between the scales as you wind the cone in your fingers tucking in the beginning the yarn as you work your way down.
3. Keep wrapping, make sure you don't pull tight - this means you would need far more yarn to fill the spaces between the scales and the softer finish make the cone look more cosy and warm :) 
4. When you are satisfied with the depth of yarn wrapping around your cone - look at it from all angles, cut your yarn.
5. Tuck your cut end into the tighter scales at the base of the cone. This means you don't need to use any glue.

 6. Arrange your cones in your chosen bowl and place in a suitably obvious place to make sure every one sees your very simple and clever decorations (with the added advantage of using up old scraps of yarn !)
If you have been inspired by my tutorial,
could you be so kind to link back to my blog,
I would love to see how your pine cones of woolly goodness turned out :)

Linking with Julie's Advent

#crafts  #christmascrafts  #handmadewithlove #handicraft #inspiredby #imadethis #livelovecraftme


  1. I love Pine Cones. The structure is fascinating to look at. I must try this to

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. OMG it's the7th already...gasp! Lovely little snug pine cones...bless. x

  3. Ooh, I love them & so easy to do. I'll have to go pine cone hunting. I used to have some, but did a big cleanup when we moved. I've also had a few pine cone ideas too. Take care.

  4. I love the blue against the muted brown - I have got to find some pine cones now!

    The poppies look lovely, thank you for sharing that picture. x

  5. Beautiful :) My garden is full of pine cones - what a great idea ...

  6. I like the white one with the eyelash yarn

  7. What a poignant photo for number 7. The pine cones look lovely decorated with yarn, a wonderful idea.

  8. Most original. I too love the white one with the eyelash yarn and the orange one too. What a good idea. xx

  9. Lovely! For some reason I especially like the blue ones!

  10. I should have been painting at least one wall this evening, but instead I've been winding yarn scraps round pine cones and making spicy star biscuits for trees. You've a very bad influence you know... xx

  11. Love the pine cones; pity I don't have any but will get some! I seem to be in yarn winding/bombing mode at the moment!


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