

Walking with Moss

You know when it has been a good day
when there is mud on your nose
and a smile on your face
You know it has been a good walk
when the river is wide
and splashing is fun
You know you have been having fun
when the sticks that float down the stream
just call to you to be caught
and rescued
and dragged to shore
You know when the walking has been good, 
when there are plenty of puddles
to drag those rescued sticks through
You know it has been a good one
when you can run and run and run
then run some more
Wuff,  yes, it was a good day :)


  1. Aww, bless!! Love the picture of her at the kissing gate puddle - reminds me so much of our Beardie, although he would probably have been LAYING in it :)

    Daisy, on the other hand, would be standing six feet away waiting for me to devise a way of her getting round while keeping her feet dry. Happy New Year to you and yours, wishing you health, happiness, love and laughter in the coming months.

  2. Sounds like you had a good day!

    Julie xxxxxx

  3. And the perfect end to a perfect day is to get inside in the warm and then shake your mud off your coat as far as possible within the comfort of your own home ;-)

  4. One very happy looking dog. X

  5. And here I am thinking she was having such a great time you might join her, but then realised how cold it might be. Hope you had the fire on ready for a curl up & hot drink when you got back. Does Miss Moss lay in front of the fire once home? Happy New Year & take care.

  6. Magical moments with Miss Moss. Looks like a very good walk indeed. xx

  7. What a lucky and happy dog! She has certainly landed on all 4 paws.

  8. Thank you for the absolute joy that you help us feel, sometimes we need a reminder of just how good life is


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