

There will be consequences ...

Wednesday turned out to be sublime. Gentle sunshine and warm air. Clear views and out of the blue and most welcome - a walk with friends. Moss could not wait and as soon as her lead made an appearance, she shuffled her bottom closer and closer until she practically sat on my feet. Her eyes glued steadfastly on her lead.
We set off, our walking pack a few houses up the hill were waiting for us. Moss - who if left to her own devices will pull like a steam train - was made to heel and she, despite her obvious pique soon trotted nicely and stopped trying to dislocate my left shoulder!

My friend and I chatted, her daughter coming a short way before returning to continue with her crochet, while the dogs flew around the fields. Three border collies pretended to be rockets accelerating with ease -three black and white cannonballs fly by.

We crossed up the hill, found a deep track loved by walkers, cyclists and horse riders alike and followed it back down to farmland. In places there were deep ruts filled with the most*delicious*deep*thick*chocolate*coloured*mud*. Moss was in her element. Although I had taken my camera, I completely forgot to take evidence of the bog monster which squelched out of the sludge..... My friend was amused if not a little taken aback at Moss' delight at wallowing and dredging at every opportunity. Her two dogs skipped and flew over mud and were as clean at the end of our walk as they were when we started....Not Moss. Happy muddy dog. We did manage to find a clean stream half way back which Moss leapt in with such a silly grin. Happy slightly less muddy dog.

There is a downside to this story.... the inevitable shower when we returned.... made all the more humiliating by the intervention and involvement by the cat. Pepper not only supervised but got in on the act. 
There was so much head bopping and butting. Pepper purred and bripped while Moss sat in the shower. The supervisor kept walking along the bath edge with paw extended to tap the dog on her head or nose.

The attention did not end when the water was switched off, no, with a towel wrapped dog out of the bath, Pepper could now get closer and even more involved. Poor Moss - she did not know what to do and kept giving me ' help me' eyes! I did what any self respecting dog loving owner did ... I took photos!
 Now, squeaky clean, exhausted by her play out and her bath and recovered from the over enthusiastic attention of a loving cat, Moss sleeps and dreams of being a rocket and crash landing in mud.....

A gentle reminder that March's Photo Hunt is coming up,
pictures to be posted on Friday the 24th.
The list of words is at the top right beneath my banner picture.

Don't forget to use the linky-tool once you have posted
so we can all come and find you and see your photos!
Looking forward to the 24th :)


  1. It is so very muddy out there. Lily is generally treated the same way as Moss following a walk and I am forever cleaning boots off. I love that you photographed the indignity. X

  2. Oh hard work! Mostly fun though. x

  3. Where I last worked [pre redundancy] we were located next to the park. My bosses [married ] had two rescue collies who came in every day. At lunchtime they went to the park for a fly around....thankfully their home was just across the other side of the park as Bob had frequently found a nice bit of fox poo to roll in so had to be taken home to be showered off before he could come back! Arilx

  4. What a fun walk, plenty of mud and a stream. But what indignity, to have to have a bath supervised by a cat.....a cat of all things! No wonder she looks indignant!! Poor Moss!! xx

  5. What a fun walk, mud and a stream to finish it off! But then, what indignity, to have her bath supervised by a cat....a cat of all things!! Poor Moss xx

  6. Sounds like a fun walk, even though muddy. Ah, now I think the 2 animals in such lovely pics, just goes to show that cats & dogs can be quite comfortable in each others company, which isn't a bad thing. Actually I loooove the pics & want an animal of my own. Have a great weekend & take care.

  7. Awww, laughing out loud (but please tell Miss Moss I was laughing with her, not at her). Surely Pepper got wet at some point? Love the final photo in your second montage where Moss looks like she has capitulated completely. BTW, after a bath and a good towelling does she then have to sprint around the house like an insane dervish going "I'm Free, FREE, FREE AND I SURVIVED!!!!"

  8. What a great life Miss Moss has; I think Pepper is enjoying her existence too! What fun too. Miss Moss will be glad of the rain today as that means more mud and puddles and even muddy puddles!

  9. I know this scenario very well and it's particularly special when fox poo is mixed with warm water in a confined shower! I would never have imagined our cat coming anywhere near the shower though, what an amazing cat you have! They totally rule! 😺🐶🐶


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