

Go slow with a snail - #30DaysWild day 7

Not keen on slugs, 
fortunately the chicken loves them...snails are different. 
They make me smile.

I love snail poetry.
Shall I share some with you?
glad you said yes.

I had a pet, it was a snail,
it must have dried up,
because I can't find it's trail!  (McCuen 2008)

Swift swallows swish by
snail inches up a green sprout
pond fish swims about (Romeo Naces 2007)
Consider the humble, brown snail
he's only a head and a tail.
No fingers or toes
Yet there it goes!
Just follow it's shiny, bright trail (R.Imwalle 2015)
And my favourite ...

I'm told by my snail that he will not get dressed today.
He says that he's not feeling well.
It's not that he won't wear a coat or a vest;
he won't even put on his shell.

He's still in his bed as he lets out a yawn.
I tell him I think it's okay
to wait til tomorrow to put his shell on
since he's feeling a sluggish today.... (Kenn Nesbitt 2011)


  1. lovedthe snail poem and the tower of snails. Just wish they would leave my hostas alone.

  2. Your snail tower is wonderful & love the way they stick together. Master L (when little) & I watched a snail leave it's trail down a path & then patted his little antennae to see him pull them in. I do tell the grandkids that we need most of our little beasties, even though they sometimes damage our crops. I find insects, etc. fascinating. Maybe I should have been an entamologist. Oh bother, I can't spell it.
    Sorry. Take care.

  3. I'm with Barb .... I wish they would change their eating habit!

  4. I love snails. I feel so sad when I hear that crunch sound from beneath my feet when I've accidentally trodden on one. Lily has been collecting snails at pre-school today. I'm not sure what they are planning to do with them. X

  5. Snails are great, in other people's gardens and plants! But I have to agree with you that their shells are wonderful. How can a big snail (with shell) creep into my grey waste bin? I once demolished the end of a wall I'd built to create a raised bed. It was amazing to see how many snails there were, glued to the stones.

  6. Snails and I don't agree...I have many hostas...I put them over the wall. I know you say they just come back but I feel better for doing it.xx


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