

November's Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to the final Scavenger hunt of 2017 - but never fear it will be up and running again in January 2018 :)

So, without further ado.........

...As the summer sky above the walled garden in Malham in June. 
Me... the autumn sun streaming through my summerhouse - was actually taking photos of the cat in the sun when I noticed ... my reflection.
Starts with a ... W
... wheelbarrow, lollygagging in the meadow.
... over the community hall on our art weekend - perfect!
...tree slices slotted in a metal brace making a strange otherworldly four legged creature
...Moss' first family chrimbly - and her first proper pressie - a squeaky toy bone. The bone lasted longer than the squeak - thankfully.
...just look at that tail - you could not wish for a squishier, floofier, swirlier tail than that now could you?
... or several brushes - my now preferred weapon of choice. What's yours?
Walking last Sunday, I lugged my camera around with the plan of snapping a rusty nail on a fence post or gate, only to find that I'd left my SD card in the laptop - sigh.
So, Youngest came to my rescue and using his cell phone we found and photo-ed a couple of nails - I could not make up my mind which one to use - so I have added both :)

My own choice...
... a row of little crooked pearly whites just poised for the approaching dog biscuit - does it make you laugh as it did me? Hope so!

There, that's me done, however, I will be back on the 1st December as part of Julie's Scrapbook Advent Calendar 2017.

She has supplied a list of words, one for each day as part of her annual Advent Scavenger Hunt, I have added them below - ho ho ho, let the fun begin!

Something handcrafted for Christmas
Favourite Christmas recipe
Christmas book(s)
Stained Glass Window
Christmas Bauble
Holly and Ivy
First Christmas Card received in the post
Christmas Crackers
Tree before dressed
Tree after dressed
Christmas wrapping paper
Stocking or Christmas Sack/Bag
Wrapped present(s)
Father Christmas
The Night Before Christmas

 I look forward to seeing you there!


  1. Wonderful set of photos, especially the arches, but also your ME, the squirrel & Moss. My weapons of choice are still my hands, to sew/knit/crochet/garden/cook & of course lots of huggling. Thank you ever so much for hosting this HUNT as it makes each month memorable, keeps the grey matter working & seeing things around us in a new light. The camera gets a good workout too, making the purchase very worthwhile. Take care & huggles.

  2. Love the photos of Moss's first Christmas, that arched tree sculpture is great.

    Thank you for putting the list on your blog post too.

    Julie xxxxx

  3. Fabulous interpretation of all your words; Youngest deserves a pat on the back! Love the arches photo. So we've a month off, think I will be using my favourite tool even more, crochet hook (closely followed by sewing needle). Thanks for all the fun you've given us.

  4. Lollygagging- what a marvellous word!

  5. Wonderful photos Hawthorn. The pearly whites are great :)


  6. Hi lovely photos as always. Moss is the star of your post of course. :) I recognise the arches from the Pendle sculpture trail which councidently is on my post too. How amazing that a rainbow adorned your art fair. Xx

  7. Super snaps as usual. My faves are Me.... lovely mellow tones and the dog's knashers...hilarious. As always thank you for hosting a marvellous hunt, I'm keeping fingers crossed that you'll be continuing with it next year? xx

  8. Fabulous photos love the blue sky, me, arch and how wonderful to catch a rainbow. Thank you for organising the hunt I've enjoyed joining in:)

  9. Love your interpretations of the titles. Wow, that blue is really blue and the pictures of Moss are lovely, especially her pearly whites. . I love the picture of the arch, I had forgotten about that one and as for the swirly squirrel tale, makes you want to touch it. I love your unusual words you often use. I always look them up if I don't know them. I'm good at lollygogging!! (spend time aimlessly; idle.)

  10. Great collection, I like the tree arches.

  11. Thanks for organising the hunt - it's my first attempt... Your photos are wonderful. I love the blue skies,the green grass and the mossy bark on the trees. The swirling squirrel tail is a great shot, as is your pet's pearly teeth - ahh!

  12. Haha! Dog teeth are so cute aren’t they? That was a great capture. I enjoyed all of your lovely photo’s, such a clever one with the reflection!

  13. Great photos Kate, like many before I do love the arches, Moss of course steals the show as does our Effie. I have really enjoyed joining in on the hunt and looking forward to next year. Have not decided if to join Julies advent it is very tempting.

  14. Great photos Kate - the arch and the rainbow are spectacular and I love your photo of yourself - very clever ... and Moss's teeth - that's so sweet. Nail was the toughest this time - great angles


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Hawthorn x

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