

Handcrafted for Christmas - the alternative advent 2

Something handcrafted for Christmas
Well, all the goodies I am making at the moment are for gifts this year so I can't really waffle on those, so I shall do something slightly different - of course!
 Every year we have a gathering of friends and family and hold our 'festive wreathy thing' where we make garlands and wreathes, table decorations and festive 'bunches'. There is always food involved, lots of food, music of questionable taste and lots of laughter.
 We have been doing out festive wreathy thing since 2004 and more or less with the same core group.
It has been held at a fabric mill, in a community hall, my dining-room and this year I am wondering if I can squeeze it into my studio .... not sure about that last option!
  There is always a mountain of greenery, gallons of glitter, yards and yards of ribbon and by the end of the day - an intense five or six hours later - there is an array of the most creative and beautiful festive decorations laid out on the floor. We all take photos and ooh and aah and compliment each other.
That day, that group of people,
 those handcrafted goodies are,
 to me,
the start of the festive season.

So - day two of Julie's Scrapbook Advent Calender 2018!

You can join in too - just pop over to her page HERE for the list and instructions as well as see the other bloggers who are taking part.


  1. Sounds like a really good start to the season! I just finished my door wreath from bunches of greens gathered on several walks...that makes it even more special with those memories attached. Happy Days ahead I hope for you and yours!

  2. Oh That is so lovely. I going to follow your instructions to make one!

    Julie xxxxxxx

  3. With you on this one...though last weekend! x

  4. Looking good, as ever. Have a good wreath thingy day!

  5. A group of us are gathering to do the same tomorrow - it's such a lovely way to start the season. Great photos - I can almost smell the pine

  6. Looking forward to our annual wreathy thing. Looks like you have made a head start. The wreath looks beautiful as usual. xx

  7. Just looking at your beautiful arrangement makes me want to rush out into the garden to gather up some greenery. The trouble is its raining and almost dark, so I will have to wait until tomorrow

  8. All good fun and a decoration to take home. What could be better at the start of the festive season.

  9. A good start to your advent calendar. I remember you telling about those over the years & envy the tradition of the meeting up of friends & family to do it, and with all the loveliness that comes. Thanks for sharing once again. Not hot at the moment & gallons of rain with our total here in W. being now twice as much in the first 2 days of December than we had for the whole of November. That was just for a silly bit of info. Take care.

  10. What beautiful arrangements, nothing beats the smell of fresh greenery and fir in the home at xmas. xx

  11. Wow...what a wonderful arrangement. x

  12. That's a lovely tradition! Your wreathy thing is amazingly pretty!


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