

And in other news ......

I did start this in the early hours just after Himself had left for work. It was that silvery grey light before the dawn type sky when street lamps are not sure whether they should be on or off and so occasionally flicker in hesitation.
The cats, having had breakfast are settling down for their first morning nap - Pepper purposefully trundles off towards the airing cupboard and Pan meditates in front of the wood-burner prior to curling up like a meringue on her chair.
Both boys, still on hols, are asleep as is Moss. Although I suspect, given the right invitation, she would gallop downstairs in one noisy bouncy clatter, do a few enthusiastic circuits of the kitchen (not easy seeing how small the floor space is for a rangy spinning dizzy dog) and briefly sit in anticipation of her breakfast.  She would, if allowed, dive into her bowl before it even landed in front of her. However we have managed to train that busy little brain of hers to sit (ok shuffle excitedly with her bottom on the floor) until she is given the command to 'eat'. This is followed by a point and and pat on her back. If not in the correct order, she watches you with such expectant eyes and rumbling tum until we get it right.
Today, after several dreadful days in the company of Eleanor, is actually bright, clear and still - fortunately our localised damage appears to be minimal but the associated dreich skies, no-go water filled areas in the garden, a leaking summerhouse and lack of sunshine does eventually make gorging on festive leftovers and binging on the internet rather appealing. I am in 'rehab' for both at the moment ....
We have had some 'proper' albeit very brief, winter weather, with frost crisp paths and icy cheeks. They have been made all the more beautiful by being enhanced by wintery blue skies and flasks of hot tea.
We are hoping to get out this afternoon and celebrate the lack of rain - fingers crossed that we can. Although I have tried to use this weather induced hibernation to some good (starting a new etsy shop/priming boards to paint a new series I excited about/knitting/eating/tinter binging) - I am feeling a little like cabin fever has set in.
Himself who returned to work yesterday and had 'lost all hope' by mid morning decreed firmly that Friday afternoon was to be dedicated to an outing of the outside variety, in whatever weather (thank goodness its looking better!) and nothing was going to stop him. 

Any hoo - enough waffle. Best get on. And if you were wondering about the images they are of my new amaryllis shoot determinedly growing, a rather damp view through the summerhouse window of a neighbour's cat looking for shelter beneath a bench, Moss playing in much anticipated but fleeting snow, a crisp edged frosty leaf up on a rough moorland pasture and the view from a clear icy walk from a few days ago. 

Ok, that is enough, all I would like to say is Welcome to my new followers, glad you popped in - lovely to see you :) Thank you too for your lovely comments over the last few posts and the promises of joining in with this month's scavenger hunt - the more the merrier! It is really nice being able to visit blogs and share links so we can all find each other :)

Thank you too for emails and phone calls and chats - blogging has such a positive vibe, some where you can let off steam, share recipes, laugh, be laughed at, moan or cheer or share something - it is great! So glad that I, and you lovely lot, are part of it :) Let's make 2018 a good year starting right NOW!

xxxxxxx blessings kate



  1. I haven't grown an Amaryllis for years, I even blogged the progress once! What colour is yours? Looks quite cold and snowy where you are. Enjoy your walk

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. Chuckling at how Moss has "trained" you to perform an aceptable morning/breakfast routine.

    Daisy has done the same to us, but in respect of supper . . .

    Hope you have a good walk this afternoon, too grey and cold here to contemplate that.

    Very sorry the Studio has problems, hope they can be fixed soon, xx

  3. Do hope you have had a good walk. It was lashing down here at 7am when I was unpacking the shopping, but I'm glad to report that it's been glorious since then.

  4. I’ve never tried growing one of those, I think I might give it a whirl. I’ve killed everything else here except for hyacinths and spider plants!

  5. Lovely post Kate & I'm just on catchup after our visitors have departed. We saw them off last night (Friday) & hope to get back to normal soon, though it was hard today with temperature reaching 41.6 degrees & still 29 outside now at 9pm. We need to get back to some decent walking too and hopefully the weather will be a little kinder. Your 2018 sounds both busy and interesting & look forward to seeing it take shape with you, through blogland. Yes, blogging can be so rewarding. Take care & huggles.

  6. I love frost edged leaves, they look so magical. Hope damp/leaks/wet studio problems get sorted out soon so you can start work in your inspirational garden studio. Here's to lots of new projects in 2018.

  7. Love the pic of Moss in the snow with the bright blue sky...its fabulous.

  8. Nothing like a crisp cold day for lifting the spirits in Winter. x

  9. For many years now a friend has given me an amaryllis bulb just before Christmas; they are amazing things to watch. I can report I have a big bud on a 15 cm stem and no leaves (yet). I used to keep the bulbs for the following year but not any more.


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