

The colours of autumn

I am aggrieved resigned to the fact that autumn has now joined the party and summer's decided to quietly leave the room.
Woodland fungi however are rejoicing and have appeared as profuse as stars at night.
A detour through a coniferous woodland yield yet more yellow mushroom clusters.
Heathers are now flowering, turning the hills a shade of smokey blue.
Bracken fronds, in places still in summer finery, have  been ousted by crisper bronze hues.
Even a lizard appeared dressed in autumnal shades when found basking in gentle afternoon sunshine.
Lighting the fire today was the final step in accepting the season's changing,
outside is dank, wet and has been all day.
The cats have claimed their 'rightful' place in front of the hearth, toasting their furry tums.

So it seems that summer has been superseded by the season of soups and thick socks.



  1. I feel your pain - woodturner on here as well, and whilst I love the warmth, comfort and colour it gives there is also the slight resentment that the Wheel of the year is turning faster than I am ready for it to.

  2. I hope we still have some warm days to come. I'm not quite ready for Autumn just yet, although I did make soup today! X

  3. The last really nice day we had here was two weeks ago when I went to the fire station open day, since then it's been cloudy grey and miserable with a fair bit of rain thrown in - we seem to have jumped straight from one season to another with nothing in between :(

    I'm not really a lover of creepy-crawlies but I do like your photo of the furry caterpillar, it looks almost neon-coloured :)

  4. Stove lit here too. Raining, dark, and cool. Hey ho.

  5. Heavy rain and the light on early tonight, DH commented that he had felt the shift in the season today rather sooner than he was hoping for. It does mean more time for crafting for me in the evenings to come so not all bad I told him :-)

  6. I feel as if I have been cheated out of summer. Too hot to go out and enjoy the warmth in July and August and now as you say Autumn is coming.

  7. I agree about autumn creeping in but at least there is still some water in Widdop. Some very familiar views in your photographs. Happy memories of walking there with Roxy and Jess. xx

  8. Nothing wrong with soups and thick socks though!

  9. It is still officially summer so I am so sad autumn has come early; been around for at least a fortnight now. Perhaps that means spring will be here, sooner than usual? Thermals will be on any day now! Beautiful caterpillar.

  10. First fire here too. That darn wheel spins faster each year! x

  11. Lovely Kate & thanks for taking us along. Cold here too, with the coldest temperatures last night here in Melbourne & surrounds since around 1945 or there abouts. I'll remember that one seeing it's a special day for me. (hee hee). Take care.

  12. A lovely collection of photos :)


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