

Dropping in

Despite today's unexpected and most welcome sunshine, it is definitely feeling more and more autumnal. These last few days feel have flown by either drenched by rain, battered by wind or covered in cloud. I have spent most of them either steadily working through my list of commissioned art or trying out new techniques.
I keep reading posts both on other blogs I read or on facebook, where this time of year is affectionately and  wistfully described as magical and mystical. Where cobwebs glisten and rose hips glow. I read lovingly written words describing this being a favourite time of year.
I see the reds, the russets, I see the decay and the cobwebs and I mourn the loss of the warmth of summer, I yearn for endless blue skies, I ache for summer. I feel bereft. Fortunately Himself is aware of my unease of this time of the year. My need to try and balance my mood with the seasons.
So we walk. 

Which is bitter sweet in a cruel way - I love being out, I love seeing the far horizon, I love being beneath the sky but I also constantly reminded of the winding down of the year, the ending of summer and the imminent arrival of winter.

Am I odd?
Do you feel the same?
Or do you revel in the turning of the seasons and the rise of decay?


  1. I'm NOT a winter person at all, hate being cold and hate the dark afternoons. So although I dont mind a bit of early Autumn weather and leaves falling just for a change, I could quite happily miss winter and get back to spring straight away.

  2. I am much like yourself Kate, although in recent years, I have a new found appreciation of Autumn, once I have made it through the transition of the seasons. The bright, crisp sunny days I love, the grey, damp and windy ones, not so much. X

  3. Me too I am a Spring Chicken. We have to just get on with it. I am dreading it more this year because of my swollen foot and lower leg. Will I get on my winter boots? Havent dared try them on yet.

  4. Sometimes Kate I'm not sure, as I do like having 4 seasons, but miss the brightness of the warmer weather. Extreme heat & cold are what I really don't like and dull dreary days. Apart from that I like the colour changes of spring & autumn and can see the beauty in leafless trees, then blossom & leaf coverage. I couldn't live in the tropics with relentless heat & humidity or the arctic circle with biting cold winds. I try and appreciate what we have through the year, though I do think I suffer a little SAD & whinge (a lot) about my chillblains, which this year are hanging on now into September. How about a warm Xmas in Oz? Keep your chin up & big hugs.

  5. I do like this time of year. It is a time of new beginnings and thoughts, probably because the new academic year begins, and old habits die hard. This year summer was too hot for me and I actually feel I was deprived of the normal summer and so share the disappointment you so ably expressed. Still this mornng we have blue skies!

  6. No dearest, you are not odd. You are my twin . . . or I am yours.

    I don't care how many times Monty Don eulogises claiming this is the beginning of the gardening year, it is the end. For me it is not a time to look forward eagerly, it is a time to note what did not happen, be sad about that which failed and did not grow. Every night now when I take Daisy out after supper it is just that little bit darker, soon I will need a torch.

    Autumn Equinox marks a point of darkening and I now look forward eagerly to the winter solstice after which it will get a little lighter each day. I know I should not wish life away, but at this time of year I do.

  7. I'm missing the sunshine like crazy. The weather not so long ago was not too hot for me! So, trying to be positive, every day is a day nearer the winter solstice when the longer days will begin to appear. So it's a case of on with more clothes and try to stay warm.....

  8. I try to see the best in each season, but Winter can be challenging. It makes me appreciate the quality of the light and the amazing sunrises and sunsets all the more in between all those grey days we have. Arilx

  9. I love all the seasons...unless one outstays it's welcome! I need to embrace the comfort of the hearth in the darker months. x

  10. I do feel sad when Summer ends but then I get caught up in the colours of Autumn , which I love too. So much for you to draw in Autumn as well. Xx

  11. For me, I like to enjoy some extra craft time in the evenings nice and cosy inside. But, I do like to be outside in the fresh air when the weather allows.


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Hawthorn x

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