

Summer Solstice

We watched the sun go down.
Turning the sky from a clear blue to one streaked in gold and cerise.
We'd walked all afternoon, listening to birdsong, the wind through the trees, the rush and tumble of water.
We ate sitting alongside a deep blue fast flowing stream and watched water fowl as our small kelly kettle rattled up a steaming hot coffee.

It was just us. Him and me. (and a dilly-dog).

Summer Solstice blessings to you all - may the turning of the wheel bring gentle sunshine, warm friendships, love and laughter.


  1. Lovely Kate & I've been wondering what you've been up to. Here I am glad that the winter solstice is here & the days may soon be longer & warmer. Just the opposite to over there. Thanks for the lovely photos. Take care & huggles.

  2. It sounds perfect. Solstice blessings to you and yours Kate. X

  3. Blessings Be xx A beautiful sunset

  4. Thank for the lovely wishes and kind words. Wishing you also gentle sunshine, warm friendships, love and laughter!

  5. Lovely words, gorgeous photographs. Thanks for sharing.xx

  6. Sending blessings you way for a wonderful summer


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Hawthorn x

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