

Morning October, you wet and wild thing you!

Thank you everyone for joining in with September's words - a lovely mix of photos and stories, thank you for sharing :)

Words for October? Well, inspired by the weather over the last few days I thought I would ask friends for the first word that came to their minds - and these are the results!

My own Choice

We will reconvene end of the month Thursday 31st October 
to show and share our stories and photos.
I will be even more quiet on the blogging front leading up to TAM19, as it is proving to be the busiest yet. We are barely running to keep up, but with the help of a newly drafted in unflappable and reliable friend, we already have noticed the difference.
Please don't worry about the 'radio silence' - no need to email and check 'if I am alright' because I am :D my energies are elsewhere and loving it! And if you really really feel the need to see what I am up to you can find me here and here!

Until we next meet - have a lovely month and hopefully the weather near you is a little kinder than it has been here :)


  1. Some impressive and rather wet images!

  2. That looks like lots of rain over your way & indeed very wet. Thanks for our words. Hope all goes well for TAM & just make sure you take the time to breathe. Huggles.


Hi there...

Thank you ever so much for stopping by today - I'm really glad that you did. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you, any one signing as anonymous or writing anything unkind, political, any form of hate or computer generated will be acknowledged as spam and deleted.

Hawthorn x

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.