


When, outside it looks like this .....
It probably is best to put on the kettle, switch on a few lights
and finish - finally finish 
my current blanket.
Now, residing on Youngest's bed, 
it compliments the first 
SSBB cal blanket which I can now retrieve. 
 Although, they do look good together....

Nope, he's not keeping the grey and blue blanket - that one is definitely mine,
but he can have this darker shades of blue one :)

So - what to make next?

Thank you for all your ideas, comments and responses to my last post.
Now, if you excuse me - I have to go out in that rain...... 
speak soon xxx


  1. Lovely hand work!!!!

    All those things, taped over his bed!!! Are they maps, perhaps? -smile-

    When we were learning to pilot a small plane, we had an aerial map, of our area, taped on the family room wall.

    And the wall, on the other side of his bed.... Was it once, a fireplace?

    Yes, I am nosy. -grin-


    1. Thank you! Yes they are maps, of the Scottish isles front the 1940s. That arch is the join where two chimneys become one, it makes an interesting feature in his room 🙂.

  2. Stunning finish. He'll be nice and snug under that one.

  3. Wow that blanket is incredible; I love it. Amongst other things, I did crochet one of Lucy at Attic 24's afghans in 2019 and enjoyed it very much. What an interesting room too.

  4. Those blankets look so cosy and definitely brighten up the room. Wonderful colours.

  5. Loving the darker blue blanket, anytime he tires of it ......


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Hawthorn x

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