

Things to be grateful for :)


As I was sitting here typing, drinking coffee, doing correspondence, I was thinking on using today's post as a gentle reminder for this Friday's 'Five on Friday - Gratitude', when an email popped up asking if I was going to host it - so (yes dear Lovely Lady!) I shall get the proverbial skates on and invite you all to join in with a post on gratitude this Friday - 13th March.

If you are unsure what it is all about, we quietly share things that have make our days, our weeks - our lives that little better. It is a wonderful way to recognise and to be grateful for the small sparks in our day as an antidote to all the anger and ugliness we seem to be force-fed via the media, the news and the greater 'outersphere'.

In our own personal space there are things that make us smile - let us celebrate those :) so it could be a simple as that coffee with a friend, a walk alongside a stream and seeing that kingfisher, it could be a letter for a job, a pile of completed sewing/ironing/washing - it can be anything - so, fancy joining?


All you have to do is list your five things which have given you that added spark to your day, waffle a little on them if you wish and if you have a photo that is great, if not - it does not matter. This is all about being grateful and acknowledging that life is good especially when you start to notice those little things :) On Friday I will post a link up and you can add your URL - here is to a gently lovely week - enjoy x

Oh - you are not restricted to being bloggers, you can be facebookers, instagrammers and even twitterers - just add your link to your post on your chosen form of social media - it will be lovely to see you :)

#fiveonfriday-gratitude #gratitude #fiveonfriday


  1. So far I've a list of 6 gratitudes so I can afford to be picky!

  2. I do a post every Friday called "Friday Favorites". I'm looking forward to linking up with your "Five on Friday-Gratitude" and reading about what others are grateful for.

  3. Yes, I'll join in, though it could be on the wacky side after a visit to the dentist for two fillings. Maybe I should start it now!😄 Thanks Kate. Take care & huggles.


Hi there...

Thank you ever so much for stopping by today - I'm really glad that you did. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you, any one signing as anonymous or writing anything unkind, political, any form of hate or computer generated will be acknowledged as spam and deleted.

Hawthorn x

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