

Saturday's drop in and say hi post

Good afternoon dear ones,
how is everyone coping?

I am still taking the one day at a time school of thought, with simple plans and a gentle routine, finding the merits and joys in even the smallest things. The fire is on and the house is warm, the dog has been outside with me while I was gardening, seedling emerge daily, house martins circle the sky above our garden, buzzards whistle to each other over the fields behind us. All heartening things.

I'll be honest, I have cut back on the news, only half listening to the radio or ignoring the television, in fact I think we all have reduced our media-consumption - and it feels good. It feels lighter to avoid the bombardment of news and facts which seem to change daily and some times hourly.

Life in our house and the garden quietly bumbles on, and we fill each day with love and companionship, gardening and walking, baking and eating, bird watching and weeding, support and crafting.

It seems that a lot of folk are doing the same - finding simple pleasures doing gently mundane things and feeling unexpectedly rewarded. It goes to show that we do not need the excesses that were pushed on us as essential. 

A simpler life is so much more rewarding in my opinion - and hopefully so much less damaging.

How are you all doing? hope you are not feeling too isolated or at a loss, we are all in this together - reach out and keep in touch xxxx

Some reading and brain fodder that might be of interest ...

Prepare for the ultimate gaslighting   and  Not all Super Heroes wear capes, some wear medals and finally Global C02 emissions fall 

Things I have done today.

Made a Cushion Den for the dog....

 Read a page or two in the greenhouse

Admired and weeded around the rainbow radish seedlings 

Sprinkled sawdust along the edge of the seedling bed to deter slugs, watched intensely by my very able (ish) assistant....

Eaten a brownie with a coffee in the garden

Sifted home made compost - the finer stuff makes perfect potting soil, the rougher left overs are added to the veg trenches to feed them and to help give the heavy soil structure and texture

Making crochet rainbows to swap for surplus books

So, yes - a day full of gentle rewards and positive activities - hope you have had one of those too xxx

#staysafe #staylocal #staysane


  1. Much the same as you, Kate, I am finding joy in the small things just now. Unfortunately, however, I don't have the love of a good dog, or any chocolate brownie :(

  2. Grey and cold in Suffolk today. I've done almost nothing!
    Love the rainbow

  3. Yes to all that, lovely post. I have cut down on all media/news other than that which I accidentally come across whilst doing other things.

    Thank you for the lovely glimpse into “normal” and for finding the time to do so. I’m spending so much time in the garden, and then coming in so tired (but in a good way) that computer time is vastly reduced.

    Slugs: highly recommend you keep all your eggshells, and when they’re dry, crush them roughly and sprinkle around precious plants. Works really well for the hostas, and if you add a garlic drench as well, it is even better (and I discovered last year that cheap garlic paste diluted in hot water - then cooled - works just as well as the stinking method of boiling up fresh bulbs)

    1. Collecting egg shells as we speak, they usually go into the compost, but now they are being washed and dried :) I use the garlic wash on the hostas - it works really well!

  4. Relaxed and lovely day here, no news today - had a day off. A blog read catch up to see what others are up to,
    crochet whilst listening to audio book, read a little, danced around the kitchen to some 70's tunes to get a bit of exercise - no garden time its rained

  5. Bit of a rollercoaster here today, but have been kind to myself and just stopped and rested. Feeling much perkier and happier now for having given myself permission to stop. Arilx

    1. It is odd - we are conditioned to make use of every last drop of daylight/time/moment coz we wont get it back, now that we have the gift of time - to relax and learn to slow down is a whole new direction x

  6. We're normally away at this time of year so it's been a delight getting time in the garden. but today has been a real mixed bag - made bread and biscuits this morning, had a good house clean and then a Saturday afternoon movie - something we've not done in years - watched The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind - a real feel good story. Like yourself we're not watching much news and really enjoying the slower pace - not looking forward to having to get back to work again next week - might take another week off lol lovely relaxing, tiring day all in all .

    1. Not hear of that film before - think I will go and investigate :) enjoy this lovely weather while we can x

  7. Thanks Kate. Similar to what we're doing except for cutting back on news. If I did that I'd be completely in the dark as I only ever watch the 6pm National News & probably listen to the weather forecast with the most interest. When we are in fire season I'll take a lot more notice for our own safety, but this news now is so depressing. Our weather is quite dreary at the moment, so not much happening in the garden, but I'm dreaming of greenhouses & trying to hatch a plan. Also trying to piece together fabric for backings, as we can't go anywhere to get some. We are staying busy and K. is doing a lot of reading and some woodworking. I'm so grateful for my blog pals too. Take care, stay safe and huggles. Go by

  8. I take one day at a time too for this and still mourning the death of my darling husband. I have given up watching the news too, if I'm on the computer I listen to Radio 4 Extra great stories and comedies.
    I do mundane things like tidying too.......

    Julie xxxx

    1. Sending hugs and here is to the mundane jobs - there is satisfaction at their completion :)

  9. Another beautifully written post. You capture so well the joy of small things and the way we've been released from pressure by the current situation. I think those of us who live in the country are very lucky. I would be interested to read about the lives of people in cities. Bx

  10. All the same as you Kate, finding beauty in the ordinary. I am not reading the news much either, most of mine is now fed to me by my eldest who reads the paper every day! Yes to time in the garden, the hammock has not has this much use in years!

  11. Sounds like a lovely calming time whilst we are in this very surreal world of ours.


  12. Oooh, brownies, they look so good. I bet they all were eaten very quickly! Why a cushion den for Moss? Was she frightened and needed to hide? My salad leaf seeds have started to germinate so I'm pleased with that. Long may this weather continue as it ensures my spirits stay high.

    1. Brownies - gone in a flash (where do the lads put them???)
      Cushion den - just for fun - she used to be terrified of anything that moved and part of the desensitising 'game'we used to play was to gently cover and make 'fun' using blankets, cushions and the like, and now, she seems to enjoy being piled up and falling asleep beneath cushions haha

  13. I have cut back on news programmes...himself doesn't sleep well as it at night make that worse.
    We are busy catching up with jobs that get postponed when we no chance to get bored

    1. Yes, if I hear the news towards the end of the evening, I find I dwell on it - and then sleep is patchy. We're doing jobs that should have been done too - keeping busy :D

  14. Love your slower life, must be much better for you. Love the mad dog and brownie too. Mmmmm. xx


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