

The A..B..C.. of my garden

A is for my Angelica sprouting up with bright green shoots,
B is for bumblebees - the big fat juicy bumbly type that bomb around the garden,
 the butterflies beginning to awake
and the birds who are busy building nests,
C is for the cats that keep me company,

and the crocus that make me smile.
 D for the Dicentra quietly nodding in the garden 
and the dandelions popping up,
 E is for the lime green euphorbia brightening up the darker corners.
F is for the frogs filling the pond with spawn and the air with welcome croaking
and the forget-me-nots that fill the flower beds.
G is for the little Grape Hyacinths that proudly stand
H is for the Helebores with their nodding heads,
I is for me,  working in the greenhouse with my apprentice,
J is for the Jacob's Ladder beginning to grow,
and K is for the kettle, which makes the brew we drink in the garden.
L is for the ladybird basking in the sun,
M is for Moss, who else could it be?
N is for the nettles I weed out regularly,
O is for the Ophiopogon planescapus Nigrasans 
(my favouritist ever plant name in the world!!!)
P is for the primula that shine when the sun seems dull.
Q is for the soil waiting quietly for the sun to warm
R is for the rhubarb I moved and for the stalks I harvested,
and the pudding we ate,
S is for the stack of snails and Snake's Head Fritillary 
T is for trays of seeds,  promising seedlings
who triumphantly grow
U is for the umbellifers the hoverflies love
V is the vegetable seedlings growing with vigour
w for waterbutts and my weed bucket, both usually full
X is the shape my secateurs make when they lie on the floor
y is for the yew at the bottom of the garden,
Z is for that lovely feeling of Zen

#staysafe #stayhome #gardening #gardens #abc

Disclaimer - not all photos were taken this spring but 90% were!
Two photos (O and Y - not mine, as I forgot to take my own photos!)


  1. What an Awesomely B eautiful C ollection!

    With (not surprisingly) Zen being the best.

  2. An ABC of delights. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. Lovely Kate, I so enjoyed that and especially as our garden is going to sleep. Packets of seeds.......our local hardware stores are all out of both seeds and seedlings so I've been told, which seems really weird as so many people these days just don't garden like we used too. Wonder what they are doing with them. Panic buying of some things is out of this world. Stay safe my friend, take care & huggles.

  4. An excellent post; you did well to find a good item for every letter. I liked M and C.

  5. thank you for such an uplifting post.. your garden looks beautiful.

  6. A lovely alphabet of your garden. Love the zen shot of Moss. X

  7. Wonderful post, really enjoyed learning your ABC

  8. Absolutely lovely post!! Your photography is great! Did the kitten got caught in the net? Please give Moss a little hug from me!

  9. I loved this post, wonderful! Thank you for this ray of sunshine this morning x


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