

The new normal

the sun is shining a warm and comforting heat,
the greenhouse is full of promising small green shoots, quietly growing and bringing hope,
Eldest and GF are repotting all their plants, quietly chatting and laughing, sowing seeds and making plans,
Youngest is working on his car, quietly giving it the attention it needs,
Himself is tinkering with our van, chatting with a neighbour at the required safe distance, drinking tea,
the cats have dozed in the greenhouse and the dog sat on the bench, happy to be with us,
friends have rung, emails have come, texts and messages have pinged in - all sharing love and concern for each other,
today, despite the unsettling greater outside world, despite the restrictions, the horror, the news and the awful virus,  we have discussed that 'what was' is not what we want to return to. We know there are those that are not as blessed as we are, and we feel for them and hope that things will improve soon.
This lock down has shown the reality of the excess, the commercialism and concentration that sadly we seem to have become benumbed by, desensitised and stupefied.

We want a simpler, quieter and more holistic life - we have quickly become used to the quieter roads, the wonderful bird song, the clear blue skies uninterrupted by jet streams. 

Is that too much to ask?


  1. I have mulled over what life will be when this is all over and I've not reached any conclusions. So I will try to stay in my own bubble, safe (I hope) and keep my fingers crossed! I must plant some seeds too!

    1. I'm hoping that at least some things will be toned down, the longer we have the restrictions the greater the learning curve

  2. Is that too much to ask?

    Not too much at all, and something that many are thinking about, wishing, asking. In fact, we were asking for it before all this began but no-one was really listening, only a few were paying lip-service to our requests for change.

    Will our combined voices be loud enough or, as in life PC* will the selfish, thoughtless Muggles outnumber us, and shout down the sane voices? Maybe not, I live in hope, because if we do not hold onto hope, what is the point.

    (* - we had BC, then AD, perhaps PC - pre-Covid?)

    1. I hear what you are saying, unfortunately there will be some return to "normality", however I am hoping that some lessons will have been learned x

  3. Yes please, the quiet has been wonderful. The birds are singing a plenty and simple things are pleasing. Slow starts to the day, pottering about, simple foods, a little meditation in the garden, tea and homemade cake with a chat and no rush to be doing something else.... its bliss.
    Enjoy your sunshiney Easter weekend x

  4. Hearing you all too well Kate & the world does need to slow down. Pity it takes something like this for it to maybe happen. I enjoyed this post & realise that although we do the small things & enjoy, many don't, so lets be who we are & work our way through this. Love those cute lambs & your darling canine & felines. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan, hope we can all learn and heal from this in more ways than one.

  5. The sunshine has been a much needed comfort these last few weeks. I have been having similar thoughts myself. X

    1. Hopefully there will be enough folk who have had similar thoughts which will help change the old "normal" for a nice new one.

  6. I totally agree - the situation has made us re-think what is really important. I am loving the birdsong that we can hear even in the middle of a city.
    Best wishes

    1. We're enjoying listening to them and it almost feels as if they are celebrating the traffic-less life too!

  7. Beautifully put - what was is not what we want to return to.

    1. Thank you, I really hope that things change, for the better and not back to what they were

  8. I hope that we can all learn from this experience and not take our daily lives for granted anymore. I hope that we learn to slow down and appreciate what we have instead of constantly wanting more.

  9. I think there are many who think they will return to normal and will be in for a rude shock. It was unsustainable. I have had masses of contact with friends and family, but miss the hugs. Arilx

  10. We are loving sitting on our bench with mugs of tea and coffee just enjoying the birds and counting how many contrails we can see. Usually no more than two or three and then they are soon blown into long fluffy clouds. Hardly any traffic going by, just peace and quiet. xx


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