

July's words and photos

Good morning!
I am sitting writing this post here and now at 8.08am - yes, today ! This month seems to have been filled daily, hourly with things happening, things to do, dogs to walk, cakes to bake, birthdays to celebrate, sewing, gardening, socially distancing friends to see and work to do .... are these my excuses? No - they are my reality and although some times I wish for a spare moment - I am happy that I am who I am and what I do :)
Right - best stop waffling - here I go!

Something purple

My son and his lovely partner are about to move into their first home and it has a well kept little garden. Their landlords have given their blessing for them to garden the space as they see fit which has delighted them both, particularly Eldest. So over the last six or so weeks we have been collecting plants and potting them up ready for the big day. I had secretly potted up two large tubs with a selection of herbs, annuals and perennials for them and to the mix I chucked in a handful of poppy seed. And joy of joys the striking deep purple blooms have started to open!

Shades of green

My garden.  I have a love/hate relationship with it. I want 'Piet Oudolf' style planting. I have English woodland dry garden style planting. Which seems to specialise in green. Just green.... flowers.... pah who needs flowers.... Cue the grumps! (I do love my garden {mostly} promise!)

Starts with F
I could have chosen fluff (for the cats), feet (for the dog), food (been doing a lot of baking recently), facemasks (been sewing a lot too!), family (thanks to the CV19 lockdown I have had them around) but I am going with Flowers to continue the gardening theme - this rain drenched lovely is a calendula grown from seed saved from the walled garden two years ago :)

Still life

 Not quite what I had in mind when I put up this prompt, I was thinking more of an Old Master style with fruit and flowers etc, but when, whilst looking for the picture I wanted to use for My Own Choice, I chanced on this one from the same walk.  A small and perfectly formed dead baby shrew. It sadly seemed right.

Snapped at this moment
Moss - of course, winking as a biscuit flies towards her - please note the small bone shaped UFO between her ears... very shortly afterwards it bounced off her nose and hit the grass. Even more shortly after that it was scoffed. She can catch - and very well, she just needs a little bit of notice!!

My Own Choice

 Dear sweet Moss, waiting patiently (but very alert) at the Wensley Church door whilst we explored the cool, dark and musty interior.

Woop Woop! done it in record time (it is now 8.50am) seeing I was also sorting out the boys with their breakfast and getting them out the door in time for work.

Ok - have a lovely lovely weekend - we are promised good weather today so we are going to get out as best we can  staying within the new added lockdown restrictions imposed in our area over night. xxxx


  1. There I was thinking I'd left it to the last minute! Good photos along with good stories. That purple poppy is lovely. I don't seem to have any this year.

  2. Lovely photos and stories, I love the shot of Moss in the grass but my favourite just has to be the tiny shrew. Definitely an 'awww' photo, so sad it had died as it looks so cute :(

  3. I'm impressed that Mosses biscuit is in the shot. She is such a cutie! Love the purple poppies. Sorry to see the little shrew. xx

  4. Dear Moss, I don't think you ever do a post without her in it. Love the picture with the flying biscuit. The purple poppy is gorgeous. x

  5. Beautiful flowers, and so sad for the baby shrew. Moss is as adorable as ever!

  6. Sorry you have been hit by this change in lockdown.

  7. Oh gosh, you have no idea how soothing it is to see your beautiful sunshiny summer flowers! Eye candy during the dreary winter days here! Anyway, the poppy is particularly spectacular isn't it? The best colour too ;) Thanks for hosting again xx

  8. That poppy is such a beautiful colour and I love the green angelica flowers too. Thankfully I'm in the south so no extra lockdown restrictions here and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us and you. CN x

  9. Just on catchup Kate & love your floral photos, but oh, the poor baby shrew. My favourites would have to be the ones of Moss. Thanks for the hunt. Take care, stay safe & huggles.


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