

One of those moments

Today Himself and I wistfully acknowledged the swifts have gone.

We'd seperately been keeping a half cocked ear for them for the last few days and today, we reluctantly agreed... yes, they have left.

The swallows are still about, flitting around, getting their maps and travel plans ready and it wont be long before they all start congregating on 'phone lines and organising their day of departure.

I miss the screaming parties of swifts as they cut through the sky above our heads at phenomenal speeds.  These birds are, to me the spirit of summer. When they go, summer goes too.

Another animal that has a hold over me is the wild brown hare. Secretive and wary, it is a magical moment when you come across, however fleeting, a hare quietly getting on with it's own life.

Last week, during a rather long and very warm walk, (over ten miles in the end) we came across this special moment. 
To be honest, I was tired, very footsore, limping slightly as my knee although as good as it will ever be, gets tired too. Our conversation had dried up as had our water and tea in the flask, it was now just the final push to get home.
And, as we trudged our way up a dusty farm track, I was halted by this site - we stopped immediately, hissed at Moss to lie down and ..... apart from my camera coming up slowly, we stood stock still.

I could barely breath, especially as the hare after what felt like an age of not moving, quietly began to lope towards us. Unhurried, unworried and unaware.

Then, after the hare had come delightfully close, it must have spotted us, and calmly sprang up on to the banking into the field and vanished.

We stood for a moment, stunned by this precious moment. Then continued with our walk, only this time we had a bit more oomph in our step and our conversation has returned and was filled with what we had just seen.

Now, as I type this, sitting at home, I can still feel the heat of that day, taste the dust and smell the ripening grain crops in the fields and the hot pine tree resin scents that surrounded us.



  1. Wonderful photos! Thank you so much for sharing them.

    1. You are welcome, I was delighted when I saw them back at home on my lap top x

  2. Oh, what a fabulous encounter. So very special and treasured. xx

    1. Thank you, it was so precious, I was and still am, quite taken by those few moments xx

  3. It lifts the heart to see a hare, makes it a good day whatever else goes on

    1. Oh I quite agree, we both felt it and it came at the right time, we were both so tired, but the final bit seemed better for a little bit of hare magic!

  4. Wow indeed! I love hares but have never seen one so close. A really wonderful few moments there. ❤️

  5. How amazing to see the hare and have it pose so well for you. I have only ever seen one and that was a long way away in a ploughed field. I love hares too - such magical and ethereal creatures.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful encounter.
    Best wishes

  6. I've only ever seen one up close. Truly a magical moment for you. Arilx

  7. What luck to see that hare so close and that he sat and posed for you. Lovely pictures and words. xx

  8. Wow, amazing. How wonderful to be able to see one that close up and get some magnificent photos as well. A special moment to treasure for years to come x

  9. Whau!! What a beautiful creature! I will have to google that type of hare. Around here one can see these tiny bunnies that are brown and small and not all long legged, red fur, huge yellow eyes like yours there. Majestic!

  10. So envious! We only get glimpses at our fields but yours was such a poser. Great photos. More please!

  11. Wow, what a beautiful magical moment! And beautifully captured. xx

  12. What luck!! Awesome moments and amazing photos. The last time I saw a hare was in the fields behind my parents house in Somerset.That was awhile ago but I don't remember it as big as this one! Keep well Amanda x

  13. Lovely Kate and oh so special. I did leave a comment earlier, but have had a few computer problems & comments I'd left on a couple of blogs had vanished. OK now. We see very few hares out here, but lots of rabbits. Thanks for sharing, take care, stay safe & huggles.


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Hawthorn x

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