

Courage and a year in review ❤️

Thank you every one for joining in through out the year and in particular December's photo scavenger hunt - here is to our blogging community - may we share, support and uplift each other through 2021 xxxx

January - A new year, a new month and two finished crochet blankets. I choose my word for the year **'Journey'.

February - Damp, cold and slow. Lots of walking and watching the news about a new virus spreading from the east.

March - The world stops. We clap every Thursday for the NHS, we hide, we avoid, we are uncertain and ill at ease.

April - Our personal world reduces to a very tight-knit and protective bubble. A small furry lad brings laughter and a much needed distraction. He, after all our care and love, returned to the trees and grows up to be a rather handsome fellow. I still see him occasionally.

May - Walking and keeping a safe distance, wearing masks, washing hands and using sanitiser, queuing to enter essential shops. Sharing and caring is top of the community wish list. Gardening is a safe way to care for others.

June - The weather is glorious, we walk miles and miles and miles over hills and moors. Restrictions are lifted enough for us to get out in the van - we choose to keep as far away from others.

July - Our lockdown summer is one of rolling sunny weather and walking. We keep our heads down and our boots on. Walking and gardening is pure escapism from the worry and the uncertainty.

August - Walking, hiding, gardening, thinking - retreating inwardly. Reviving lost skills, learning new ones. Creating as a form of escape.

September - Walking still - using the miles to breathe and to think, gardening for myself and for those who can't.

October -  The long lingering summer warmth fades, walking keeps us sane, gardening still keeps me busy.  Numbers are not reducing, death toll increasing and we can feel our world becoming on edge again.

November - Once again we are looking inward. Crafting and in particular sewing becomes another way to escape. The weather is now definitely autumnal and certainly more wet, walking is less pleasure but still a necessity - it keeps my head from imploding. Never have I appreciated home and garden, family and the internet connectivity more.

December - The numbers are rocketing, new variants of the virus are emerging and despite the promised vaccine relief there is no way this will help at the speed that it is required. The NHS is at the point of breaking yet there are still those who do not believe or take care or responsibility or even think. We are placed in tier 4......

**And my word for 2020? Journey?

It was the right one for me - not only in the physical sense of me walking hundreds of miles over the year but I have moved on from 'all that was not right for me' in 2019 and journeyed into myself and back out - and 2020 despite being a 'year of all years' has been part of that journey. I have come out the other side more whole than I have felt for years.

I now need a new word, 
a new guide for the new year and it will be 
I hope that I have inspired you to choose a word for your new year - it helped me - may it help you too xx

I can only hope and wish and think positively for 2021, she will need all the help she can get.  Stay safe, think positively and be kind, above all be kind xxxxx


  1. Happy New Year my dear, may 2021 bring health, happiness and safety to you and all your pack. xx 🐾 πŸ’š

    1. I threw open the curtains to a bright frosty morning. Here is to a happy, healthy and vastly improved New Year 🐾🚢‍♀️🚢‍♂️ from us all x

  2. Lovely post with so much goodness to it and advice that we should think positive & be sensible. With 8 new cases here in Vic, we are starting lockdown measures once again after 61 days free. I must think of a word for the year & thanks for our list. Is this to be the new normal or just for your winter. Take care, stay safe & hugs to you all from down under.

    1. Thank you Susan :) I will be trialling the one word a week for a little while, it will be less pressure to find loads of words and give folk a chance to join in even if only for one week/word :)

  3. What a good way to start the day/New Year. I've noticed the word for this Friday and my photo is already! Here's hoping 2021 is better.... x

    1. You are an organised girl! looking forward to seeing your post xx

  4. What a brilliant summary of 2020 which certainly resonates. I think Courage is the perfect word for 2021 as there are still plenty of challenges ahead. Wishing you a happy and safe year πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Thank you Carol, I agree, there is a lot more to come before we 'get out the other side' I wish you too a happy and safe year xx

  5. A very inspiring and thought provoking post Hawthorn!! Courage a significant word... indeed we certainly all need that. Mine is Hope! A very happy New Year to you and your family....Hugs. Amanda x

    1. Thank you Amanda, your word for 2021 - Hope - a lovely caring word - perfect for this year, happy new year to you and your family too xx

  6. I think there is promise in this year. Having watched a friend's personal transformation and seen her blossom over the last few months there has been joy alongside the fear and trauma. Arilx

    1. I agree, as hard as 2020 has been - there have been amazing moments of joy and laughter, compassion and love and I am sure the 2021 will continue on that trajectory xx

  7. Happy New Year Kate - what a lovely thoughtful post - your word Journey certainly had resonance for your year. And Courage will definitely be needed for these coming months - I look forward to following along on your journey to see how it manifests for you.

    1. Thank you Fil, and Happy New Year to you too x

  8. Happy New Year
    As my late husband use to say to me Think Positive so your word of Courage is apt!

    Julie xxxxx

    1. I agree with you Julie, your husband was correct 'Think Positive' is a very good ethos to have xx

  9. A wonderful post, Kate, and what an important record of the year. I like the word a week idea. Love the new photos as well. Bx

    1. Thank you Belinda, would be lovely if you joined with us when you can :) x here is to lots of creative writing and happy dog walking in 2021

  10. Happy New Year, to you and your family. Xx

  11. Happy New Year to you! xxx

  12. A lovely look back over the challenging year. Warmest wishes from our home to yours for 2021.
    My word is 'confidence' i'm hoping to find mine again. Little steps ...

    1. Confidence - I like it 😊 a good start, 'saying' it out loud helps confirms it, there is a lovely little saying I have used in the past ....
      How does an mouse eat an elephant? One mouthful at a time.... ❤️

  13. A lovely post. I'm so glad you still see your squirrel friend occasionally. Was lovely to be reminded of him.
    Have a great 2021. Things can only get better. X

    1. Thank you Sharon, things can only get better! x


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Hawthorn x

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