


January 8th Scavenger Photo Hunt - Gift/s

I had planned on sharing things I had crafted as gifts however sadly one of the recipients still hasn't received her pressies due to the previous tier 4 conditions and now the latest lockdown we are dealing with. I don't want to spoil the surprise, so her gifts are all stashed safely together ready and waiting for when we can all get together again.

So, I thought I would share a 'stocking present' to Himself and I from Eldest and his lovely partner. Each one of us received a carefully chosen woodland creature, however they were 'naked' so every little animal was lovingly given a wardrobe of warm tweeds and woollen scarves.

They were the first thing we opened on chrimbly morning and I found it hard to put mine down (which in case you had not already guessed is the Hare!) I kept stroking her lovely felted ears and admiring her fringed kilt and warm shawl.
The rather dapper Mr Badger is Himself's and he loved him immediately. Mrs Hare and Mr Badger are tree decorations however, when the tree was packed away, these two remained out and will do so from now on.
They linked their arms and explored their new surroundings, taking in the air and checking out the hyacinth bulbs then wandered along the small aloes and cacti on the window ledge.
They even checked out a few houses, I suspect they will move around a bit until they find the spot they like the most 🥰 - as you can tell, I am still besotted by them!
2020's chrimbly day was a very different one, it will have been for most folk, Mrs Hare and Mr Badger brought such a lovely moment of joy and will continue to do so through 2021.

Right, that was a minute of light-hearted waffling, I am off to see what the others have shared - until next time - stay safe xx


  1. Your new friends are ever so cute and make a handsome pair.

    1. Thank you - they are rather handsome together :)

  2. They are so sweet. Did you make them?

    Julie xxxx

    1. Hi Julie, no, they were a 'stocking' gift from my son and his girlfriend :)

  3. I just love Mrs Hare and Mr Badger. I hope we hear more of their adventures as time goes on. Bx

    1. You never know what those two might get up to!

  4. I love these, they are so cute and such lovely little stocking presents :)

    1. We do too :) they were such a lovely thought :)

  5. They are lovely; well done Eldest and partner. I can see why you'll be keeping them out all the time now. Some things are not just for Christmas. x

    1. I quite agree, they are happily standing on the shelf and they don't look festive at all, so they will definitely have an all year round lifestyle!

  6. The two of them are so lovely together, I just love the way they go "exploring" :-))

    1. Thank you Ella, I suspect they may 'explore' some more some time soon :)

  7. They are just gorgeous & I can see them popping into see us quite regularly. Very weird Christmas indeed, but hoping upon hope this years may be somewhat better. BTW, my word for the year is HOPE. Thanks for our hunts. Take care, stay warm & safe and hugs.

    1. Thank you :) and a very good word, very good word indeed :)

  8. I love these and am sure they will be having plenty of adventures that you can share with us. Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting over on my blog ... I do respond to all comments but not sure if you get notified or whether you have to pop back to see. Thank you for making me so welcome in your scavenger hunts ... I’m really enjoying taking part and have had lots of lovely supportive comments 😃

    1. You are very welcome Carol, so glad you are enjoying joining in - it is a lovely way to make friends (more so these day too 😊)

  9. OMGoodness, they are so precious! I love that you will be keeping them out the whole year, I'm sure you'll keep them busy.

  10. Mrs Hare and Mr Badger are so lovely - it's great you are keeping them out all year


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