

One stitch at a time

Yesterday, for the first time in quite a few days, the sky was not filled with high flying dense grey cloud. Precious patches of blue moved and evolved into expanding shapes as they were squeezed and surrounded by mounds of grey and white. To our far right and behind us, the horizon was curtained by dense snow showers, hiding hills and removing views. Fortunately we were in a narrow corridor of clear weather which lasted for an hour or two. 

So we made the most of it and walked.

The air was so cutting that it tore at bare skin. My face burned with the cold - despite wearing two hats and a hood, a scarf and shawl under my coat. We were all wrapped in several layers, making walking less fluid, more 'stumpy' as joints did not bend easily and turning your head meant turning your whole body.

And Moss? she ran around with a silly grin, charging through ice puddles and leaping into the river ... That dog has no sense! 

After about three miles we knew we would be running out of clear weather and returned home, which felt warm and calm after the brittle buffeting wind we'd walked through. So after stripping off the multiple layers and putting the kettle on, I resorted to some slow sewing by the fire.

A small chameleon clinging to the stitching on my work trousers, he will soon be surrounded by leaves (thank you lovely lady for the suggestion) and have a gecko or two for company.  

Any hoo - today is another bitterly cold day - we awoke to -4°C with yesterday's snow now frozen to dagger sharp shards. I think there will be more chameleon slow sowing - I'd like to finish him today, do a bit of baking (fruit cake and chocolate brownies) and catching up with emails and blogs. 

And if Moss 'plays her cards right' she will have a 'shampoo and set' - poor thing, of all the watery things she loves - bathing is most definitely NOT one of them๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•

Have a gentle and kind Tuesday xxxx


  1. I just had to comment today as I read your sentence that it is bitterly cold there at -4C and laughed. While I understand we are in very different parts of the world and temperature is relative to other conditions, waking up here this morning it was -27C and with the wind it felt like -42C. This does not change the fact that I would love to visit where you are and experience your cold to see the difference.

    1. That made me laugh too- let me explain - here in the north of England, winters tend to be damp and grey so when we actually get proper cold crisp days - they feel 'extreme' to our normally driech grey stuff we get :)

      I am from Africa and when I hear people complaining at how hot it gets during summer - I laugh coz English summers are quite 'tepid' compared to the harsh hot summers of my childhood :D
      I am not sure what today's wind chill factor was - coz that certainly made it feel bitter and I am happy to admit I am a wimp when it comes to being cold!

  2. Another lovely post. Ellie hates baths as well. It's not logical is it!

    1. Thank you Belinda - and yes, it does not make sense at all!

  3. You were born to the heat so you weather heat better than those who come from the UK like yours truly :-) Sr P is just the same. In the case of the cold, like yourself I feel the cold a lot hence my reluctance to return home to the UK in Winter or Autumn. I presume I have become acclimatised having lived in Spain for over 40 years and lost that tolerance for cold icy wet weather! I did have it! I remember as a child swimming many times in the sea in winter in Minehead in Somerset...crazy I know! Looking at your photos even makes me shiver! That is a compliment by the way...if your photos produce an emotional reaction they have to be good .. don't you think? :-) Your slow sewing looks great...brilliant idea! keep well Amanda x

    1. Aww thank you Amanda x and I am with Sr P - warm is best! I did think I was getting better with the cold having lived here now for a while and working outside, but apparently not! haha

  4. It's all relative really. Our daughter in law from the wilds of Canada thinks its hilarious when she hears people complaining of the cold or reports of snow causing traffic chaos. Your walk looked beautiful. Not much snow here and all seems to have melted.

    1. I agree ๐Ÿ˜Š
      We are promised a bit more snow but I would rather not - I am working outside for the next three days and balmy tropical weather would be preferable!

  5. Kate, those photos are breathtaking & I think you are brave walking when there may have been ice on the ground. As for Moss, I bet she curled up in front of the fire after her bath? Your chameleon will looking charming with leaves & friends & hope we get to see it. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

  6. I like the cbameleon, he's looking very cute :-)

  7. I enjoyed my walk with you... thanks. It's good to see places I recognise. Your chameleon looks wonderful and I look forward to seeing a leaf or two next to it.. ha ha. I think I might be able to tolerate a SA summer as the ones here are a bit naff these days. x

  8. Love the chameleon

    Julie xxxxxxx

  9. I can't help but love this cold spell we are having. Hugo is the same as Moss. Love's water but not any kind of bath or cleaning. X


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