


So...  What have I been doing? Well.....

Knitting ....

Himself - a moss green moss stitch pullover

Me - a simple scarf in garter stitch with left over wool. It was to be for me to wear at work but Himself has eyed it up, so I may be making another one soon....

And about to start a cardigan for me with chrimbly gifted wool in sea washed denim shades.

Cooking ...

Picture from website

Mushroom and lentil Hotpot - ye gods - absolutely delicious! (Recipe HERE)

Cranberry Muffins (Recipe HERE)

picture from website

Making ...

dozens (and dozens) of paper birds - for work, for friends and for home
Wire flowers and tiny houses to decorate the 'tree' for spring
Wreaths bases for work
Willow plant supports

Walking ...

Miles and miles in the Dales - Himself and I both losing ourselves in blue skies and gentle sunshine 

or in woodlands, breathing in deep earthy scents full of flavour and aromas

Repairing ....
Jeans, harem pants, Wool overcoat

That crystal clear scent of the first hyacinth bloom as it swirls around the room

Reading ....
Ichigo Ichie (Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles) - still loving and learning and absorbing and trying to live by these words - and when I can put them in practise - it seems to make the day so much sweeter!

Also Vesper Flights (Helen Macdonald) - just dipped in and already enjoying it, 
and have Wakenhyrst (Michelle Paver) waiting to be picked up.

Gardening ....
At work mostly - hard wood cuttings, compost turning, woodchip mulching, glasshouse tidying,
 willow plant-support making, seed selecting(buying) 
and happy dancing when I spot a snowdrop in the woodland garden we are creating. 
Last autumn the volunteers and I planted thousands (and I do mean thousands) of bulbs - 
to see them beginning to appear is like a shot in the arm of pure delight.

Mandatory training for work - firefighting, H&S, emergency first aid (to include gunshot wounds, pierced eyes, first to the scene responder at a multiple car pile up and removing a splinter from a finger ....) - boy do I feel prepared (NOT!)

as much as I can, noticing the good, finding that moment of joy
(even when I want to grind my back teeth...!)

So - that is just a little of what I am up to - what you knitting? Reading? Eating? Making? Enjoying?

Go on spill the beans - I love to hear what you have been up to :)


  1. You sound as if you have been very busy with so many different things and I do hope you never have a multiple car accident in the gardens!

    1. I hope I don't have a multiple car accident in the garden either! - I wouldn't know which to rescue first - plants or people!

  2. Making...well yesterday our stew which we're eating leftovers of in a minute. Enjoying, having son home...we've both been tapping away on our respective computers and he's had a couple of meetings. Definitely enjoying coming out of the virus head thug thing a little. Looking forward to a cosy evening by the fire. x

  3. Busy!!
    Had to be Moss green and Moss stitch.....
    Here? Doing our best to get healthier. Himself is dealing with long covid and is not happy with that. Staying out of the rain and glad we are where we are!!

    1. Hugs to Pirate - post covid is rubbish! I still have brain fog and a nasty dose of dairy intolerance - sigh. Keep out the rain and you are definitely in a good place to be :)

  4. I love your photo of the trees and the view above it. And the scent of hyacynths - divine :-) I haven't been up to much since Christmas, it's been far too wet, but New Year's Eve day saw me going green laning in the Dales - it was a long day but a great experience.

    1. the walk (with the trees) had the most gloriously blue sky - really mood boostingly good. We bought for our Eldest son an all day off-roading experience in the lakes for his 21st, and he loved it too (said it was long but worth it)

  5. That jumper's a gorgeous colour and the mushroom hot pot looks absolutely delish. I can't get pierced eyes out of my head now....eughh! xxx

    1. I really recommend the lentil and mushroom hotpot - super yum !

  6. You have been so busy! Recipes look interesting. More training..... my favourite! Just crafting here and managed to finish 4 quilts for Project Linus and start on another one.... I think I'm addicted to making them. x

    1. I think you'd like the muffin recipe and your quilts are amazing :)

  7. Cross stitching, organizing craft room, cooking (Hubs does like his meals) and general around the house chores. And then more cross stitching. Oh and listening to lots of audiobooks. 😊

    1. You sound busy! My man loves his meals too - he has hollow legs and an endless appetite hahah

  8. The pullover looks lovely and cosy, and what a delightful colour. Green is a favourite of mine. One day last week, three members of staff (including myself) turned up at work in different styles of jumpers but all in the exact same shade of green! I said we should start our own girl band :)
    Thank you for providing the hot-pot recipe. Your suggestions are always welcome as they are always delicious. Xx

  9. Great to see the green jumper you mention in a more recent post. Beautiful paper birds & wire work. Oh, I can just smell those hyacinths from here :) x


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