

a bit of this, a bit of that and a whole lot of nothing...

That moment when you inhale the fresh air and you can feel it rush down into your lungs with a sharp tang. Enough to make your eyes water and your tail wag.

That sentence I wrote nearly ten days ago, I got that far, added a pile of images and then stopped. The story didn't flow and the fingers didn't know what to say, so I shelved it. Life has carried on, both mundane and mad.... so nothing out of the ordinary, I just lacked the 'omph' to write. So, today, on a rather chilly grey Tuesday with a half drunk mug of tepid tea, I shall endeavour to type a little more.

There are, I am relieved to see, signs of spring both at work and in my garden at home. Winter - apart from a couple of particularly Baltic weeks, was more blah that artic although there is talk of a sudden stratospheric warming event making it almost inevitable that winter will return with a vengeance!
Not generally know for my status as a 'Domestic Goddess' ๐Ÿ‘️๐Ÿ‘️.... I have been both crocheting and baking with reasonable success.

Honey Biscuits - these have gone down an absolute storm with the family, if you like honey, these are definitely worth a try. I haven't managed to take a photo of the ones I have baked, but Youngest's lovely girl has made them and sent this image of a successful trayful of yummy goodness!
The crochet blanket - using the Woodland Ripple pattern by Attic24 in autumnal (woodlandy) shades is gently growing. It is my go-to-keep-my-hands-busy thing in the evenings but after some days at work, all I do is slump with glazed over eyes on the settee!!
Funnily enough, I actually do like sewing in the ends. To me that signals a successful completion to the creation of the blanket.
We've done some cracking good walks recently but I don't want to overwhelm you with one walk story after another. You'll just have to take my word for it and see that Moss's face says it all๐ŸŒž
Hope the rest of your week is gentle and kind and brings a smile to your face and a wag to your tail xxxxxxx


  1. I think everyone goes thru writer's block once in a while... I know I do! The honey biscuits look delicious and I love the blanket you are making. It looks like a fun pattern to make.

    1. Thanks Debi - I agree, the stories are there but they just did not appear! Do try those biscuits they are very moreish ๐Ÿ˜‹

  2. Have you managed to see the auroras? Both ends of the globe are experiencing them...not quite as far north as where we are yet. But we are heading south.
    The problem is staying awake until they are visible!
    Lovely to see Moss..enjoy those walks while you can..and stay safe when the Weather arrives! (Probably just as we arrive back in Scotland!!)

    1. As with all exciting sky related happenings - we are shrouded in cloud!! So we just live vicariously by looking at the evening weather report with the spectacular images! Safe travels south xx

  3. I think a lot of us are finding writing our blogs hard at the moment & the sign says it all. Not a domestic goddess?.............Really, Kate you are one of the craftiest people I know & turn your hand to anything and I've seen your creations & tasted a cake. Look forward to seeing more walks with Moss too. She has a smug and satisfied look on her face which seems to say, ah, they've taken me out. Take care & hugs.

    1. thanks Susan :) Moss does love her walks and if she could write I think her every post would be started like this ...
      today I went fur a walk๐Ÿพdare wus water an' sticks an' mud but not long enuff!...

  4. Sometimes a whole lot of nothing is good, I enjoyed this post, thank you.

    1. you are right, sometimes a whole lot of nothing is good for the soul xx

  5. The colours of the blanket are lovely, and there can never be enough photos of Moss - her face in that first shot is just so adorable :-)

    1. Thank you Eunice ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’› and there never will be enough photos of our dilly dog!

  6. Those biscuits look delicious. I might just have to grab myself a jar of honey and make some for myself.
    Being on the cusp of spring, feels like the earth has just pressed the pause button and we are now waiting for the magic to happen. Xx

  7. Oh yes, Moss knows life is good! Yummy looking biscuits. I think you are rather more domestic goddess than you are giving yourself credit for!!! :) xXx

  8. Playing catch-up, apologies! I never tire of your walks so if mine was the only vote, please keep them coming. As for enjoying sewing ends in..... I do not like this so do them as I go along. I'd feel overwhelmed if I saved them to the end.... x


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