
#walk1000miles 2022

Year FOUR - Daily record as part of #walk1000miles for 2022

I walk. For pleasure. As part of my job. With the dog, with my husband, with friends and with family. I walk. It clears my head, keeps me fit and makes me happy!

Date    Miles     Running total 
2022 target - just to beat last year's - 1371.56.    Final mileage ...1448.30 
31.12  3.31  1448.30
30.12  1.46  1444.99
29.12  4.67  1443.53
28.12  1.05  1438.86
27.12  2.27  1437.81
26.12  3.24  1435.54
25.12  3.22  1432.30
24.12  2.36  1429.08
23.12  1.97  1426.72
22.12  4.52  1424.75
21.12  2.67  1420.23
20.12  3.13  1417.56
19.12  2.36  1414.43
18.12  1.89  1412.07
17.12  2.52  1410.18
16.12  3.29  1407.1448.3066
15.12  3.06  1404.37
14.12  4.64  1401.31
13.12  2.18  1396.67
12.12  4.32  1394.49
11.12  3.54  1390.17
10.12  1.63  1386.63
09.12  5.85  1385.00
08.12  3.75  1379.15
07.12  3.01  1375.40
06.12  2.53  1372.36 (beaten last year! woop woop)
05.12  2.88  1369.86 
04.12  3.24  1366.98
03.12  2.68  1363.74
02.12  5.54  1361.06
01.12  3.45  1355.52
End November - 1352.07
30.11 3.21 1352.07 nearly there! less than 20 miles to go to reach target.
29.11 3.59 1348.86
28.11 4.58 1345.27
27.11 4.38 1340.69
26.11 3.06 1336.31
25.11 3.90 1333.25
24.11 3.04 1329.35
23.11 3.98 1326.31
22.11 4.85 1322.33
21.11 5.67 1317.48
20.11 6.56 1311.81
19.11 3.91 1305.25
18.11 3.86 1301.34
17.11 1.41 1297.48
16.11 3.36 1296.07
15.11 1.19 1292.71
14.11 4.28 1291.52
13.11 2.98 1287.24 
12.11 7.01 1284.26
11.11 3.60 1277.25
10.11 1.35 1273.65
09.11 4.85 1272.30 less than 100 miles to equal last year 
08.11 2.90 1267.45 
07.11 1.91 1264.55
06.11 6.08 1262.64
05.11 1.23 1256.56
04.11 4.15 1255.33
03.11 2.85 1251.18
02.11 3.33 1248.33
01.11 2.51 1245.00
End of October - 1242.49 - 129.07 miles to equal 2022 
31.10 4.93 1242.49 
30.10 5.53 1237.56
29.10 3.89 1231.63
28.10 3.67 1227.74
27.10 1.88 1224.07
26.10 2.98 1222.19
25.10 2.67 1219.21
24.10 5.79 1216.54
23.10 5.45 1210.75
22.10 2.50 1205.30
21.10 5.76 1202.80
20.10 1.45 1197.04
19.10 2.94 1194.14 
18.10 2.26 1191.20
17.10 4.75 1188.94
16.10 2.37 1184.19 
15.10 4.45 1181.82
14.10 4 81 1177.37
13.10 2.24 1172.56
12.10 6.52 1170.32
11.10 2.37 1163.80
10.10 4.90 1161.43
09.10 6.48 1156.53
08.10 4.37 1150.05
07.10 2.99 1145.68
06.10 5.64 1142.69
04.10 2.45 1137.05
03.10 5.75 1134.60
02.10 4.16 1128.85
01.10 2.68 1124.69
End of September's mileage = 1122.01 - 250miles to go to beat last year!
30.09  4.71 1122.01
29.09  2.91 1117.30
28.09  4.79 1114.39  (257.17 miles to equal last year's total)
27.09  2.48 1109.60
26.09  5.57 1107.12
25.09  2.08 1101.55
24.09  4.48 1099.47
23.09  4.75 1094.99
22.09  2.53 1090.24
21.09  5.77 1087.71
20.09  2.98 1081.94
19.09  3.84 1078.96
18.09  3.50 1075.12
17.09  4.93 1071.55
16.09  5.07 1066.62
15.09  1.47 1061.55 - another 'can't get off the settee' day
14.09  4.79 1060.08
13.09  1.00 1055.29 - a 'can't get off the settee' day
12.09  4.99 1054.29 - back to work
11.09  1.54 1049.30
10.09  3.91 1047.76
09.09  1.61 1043.85
08.09  1.32 1042.24
07.09  1.23 1040.92 - finally beginning to feel human again
06.09  0.87 1039.69
05.09  0.67 1038.82
04.09  1.05 1038.15
03.09  1.70 1037.10
02.09  0.74 1035.40
01.09  0.37 1034.66
August target ...1000 miles - actual ...1034.29
31.08  0.80 1034.29  - the start of covid infection
30.08  1.16 1033.12
29.08  4.38 1031.96
28.08  6.58 1027.58
27.08  4.61 1021.00
26.08  4.59 1016.39
25.08  4.04 1011.80
24.08  4.39 1007.76
23.08  2.89 1003.37
22.08  5.64 1000.48 Woop woop I made it!!
21.08  4.33  994.84
20.08  2.33  990.51
19.08  5.80  988.18
18.08  5.80  982.38 
17.08  5.45  976.58
16.08  3.16  971.13
15.08  4.43  967.94
14.08  4.19  963.51
13.08  2.40  959.32
12.08  4.63  956.92
11.08  5.21  952.29
10.08  6.61  947.08
09.08  8.27  940.47
08.08  5.01  932.20
07.08  3.05  927.19
06.08  4.43  924.14
05.08  5.06  919.71
04.08  1.68  914.65
03.08  5.76  912.97
02.08  2.19  907.21
01.08  5.39  905.02

July target ...850 miles, actual 899.63 only 100.37 to go!
31.07  1.97  899.63
30.07  2.58  897.66
29.07  5.72  895.08
28.07  4.93  889.36
27.07  5.89  884.43
26.07  3.43  878.54
25.07  5.02  875.11 
24.07  5.83  870.09
23.07  5.61  864.26
22.07  4.92  858.65
21.07  2.35  853.73
20.07  5.33  851.38
19.07  2.89  846.05
18.07  5.13  843.16
17.07  3.06  838.03
16.07  7.02  834.97
15.07  6.08  827.95
14.07  3.39  821.87
13.07  6.32  818.48
12.07  3.53  812.16
11.07  5.20  808.63
10.07  4.30  803.43
09.07  3.72  799.13
08.07  5.75  795.41
07.07  4.43  789.66
06.07  5.86  785.23
05.07  2.47  779.37
04.07  5.99  776.90
03.07  4.17  770.91
02.07  2.90  766.74
01.06  6.27  763.84

June target ...730 miles, actual 757.57 only 242.43 to go!
30.06  2.32  757.57
29.06  6.52  755.25
28.06  3.03  748.73
27.06  7.87  745.70
26.06  3.73  737.83
25.06  5.30  734.10
24.06  6.39  728.65
23.06  4.01  722.26
22.06  5.69  718.25
21.06  3.57  712.56
20.06  6.25  708.99
19.06  2.71  702.74
18.06  3.15  700.03
17.06  7.14  696.88
16.06  5.63  689.74
15.06  7.56  684.11
14.06  4.54  676.55
13.06  5.72  672.01
12.06  1.43  666.29
11.06  1.73  664.86
10.06  2.59  663.13
09.06  3.07  660.54
08.06  5.54  657.47
07.06  7.71  651.93
06.06  6.74  644.22
05.06  3.34  637.48
04.06  4.36  634.14
03.06  1.41  629.78
02.06  5.16  628.37
01.06  7.34  623.18

May target ... 580 miles actual - 615.84 only 384.16 still to do!
31.05  5.15  615.84  
30.05  2.52  610.69
29.05  1.89  608.17
28.05  3.49  606.28
27.05. 5.03. 602.79
26.95. 5.45. 597.76
25.05  6.01  592.31
24.04  3.31  586.30
23.05  2.15  582.99
22.05  7.27  580.84
21.05  3.52  573.57
20.05  5.63  570.05
19.05  5.73  564.42
18.05  6.65  558.69
17.05  4.26  552.04
16.05  1.73  547.78
15.05  2.45  546.05
14.05  2.82  543.60
13.05  4.53  540.78
12.05  5.55  536.25
11.95  3.79  530.70
10.05  3.98  526.91
09.05  6.33  522.93
08.05  4.74. 516.60
07.05  2.58  511.86
06.05  5.16  509.27
05.05  5.58  504.11 - I'm a proclaimer! Reached on the following dates in previous years 12.05.21, 17.06.20, 26.06.19  
04.05  4.91  498.53
03.05  2.76  493.62
02.05  2.41  490.86
01.05  1.35  488.45
April target ... 440 miles - actual 487.10 (512.90 still to do)
30.04  4.57  487.10
29.04  5 01  482.53
28 04  5.25  477.46
27.04  6.44  472.21
26.04  4.36  465.77
25.04  1.77  461.41
24.04  3.19  459.64
23.04  5.28  456.45
22.04  6.21  451.19
21.04  4.71  444.96
20.04  5.11  440.25 (woop woop reached target!)
19.04  3.05  435.14
18.04  7.36  432.09
17.04  5.40  424.73
16.04  6.09  419.33
15.04  3.52  413.24
14.04  6.17  409.72
13.04  3 50  403.55
12.04  2.96  400.05
11.04  2.92  397.09
10.04  6.76  394.17
09.04  5.27  387.41
08.04  5.91  382.14
07.04  3.94  376.23
06.04  4.83  372.29
05.04  2.39  367.46
04.04  2.63  365.07
03.04  1.38  362.44 day of sewing and housework
02.04  3.60  361.06
01.04. 5.24  357.46

March target ... 330 miles actual 352.22 (647.78 left)
31.03  4.34  352.22  
30.03  3.02  347.88
29.03. 3.67  344.86 
28.03  2.76  341.19
27.03  3.29  338.43
26.03  8.53  335.14
25.03  6.21. 326.61
24.03  5.76  320.40
23.03. 5.64  314.64
22.03  4.40  314.00
21.03  2.55  309.60
20.03  8.03  307.05
19.03  8.08  298.75
18.03  4.80  290.67
17.03  4.65  285.87
16.03  5.23  281.22
15.03  2.95  275.99
14.03  3.48  273.04
13.03  1.67  269.56
12.03  1.48  267.89 (lazy baking and staying at home day!)
11.03  4.99  266.40
10.03  4.98  261.41
09.03  4.96  256.43
08.03  3.73  251.47 Quarterling! (2 days earlier than 2021, 12 days earlier than 2020, 20 days earlier than 2019)
07.03  4.95  247.74
06.03  5.63  242.79
05.03  6.43  237.16
04.03  5.02  230.73
03.03  4.90  225.71
02.03  4.16  220.81
01.03  3.98  216.65

February target ... 220 miles actual 212.67 (787.33 to go)
28.02  1.87  212.67 grrr rain (again)
27.02  2.47  210.80 rain
26.02  5.88  208.33
25.02  2.90  202.45
24.02  2.67  199.55
23.02. 4.53. 196.88
22.02. 3.01. 192.35
21.02. 2.97. 189.34 rubbish weather
20.02. 1.54. 186.37 rain... rain, more rain
19.02  2.64. 184.83 storm Franklin/snow
18.02  3.77  182.19 Storm Eunice
17.02  4.31  178.42
16.02  4.89  174.11
15.02  3.04  169.22
14.02  1.68  166.18 rain🙄 so much rain..!
13.02  2.99  164.50 rain🙄
11.02. 4.67  161.51
10.02  5.18  156.84
09.02  5.58  151.66
07.02  2.49  146.08
06.02  3.42  143.59
05.02  3.45  140.17
04.02  3.73  136.72
03.02  6,27  132.99
02.02  5.22  126.72
01.02  3.09  121.50

January target ... 110 miles, actual ... 118.81 (881.59mls to go!) 
31.01   4.39   118.41
30.01   3.64   114.02
29.01   4.37   110.38
28.01   4.57   106.01
27.01   4.15   101.44 (treat time ! I have hit my first 100) Edited to add - bought myself new boots!
26.01   5.11    97.29
25.01   1.79    92.18
24.01   2.09    90.39
23.01   6.16    88.30
22.01   3.45    82.14
21.01   3.20    78.69
20.01   4.80    75.49
19.01   4.79    70.69
18.01   1.87    65.90
16.01   7.77    64.03
15.01   4.73    56.26
14.01   4.16    51.53
13.01   5.32    47.27    
12.01   4.78    41.95
11.01   5.11    37.17
10.01   1.90    32.06
09.01   3.36    30.16
08.01   2.71    26.80
07.01   1.78    24.09
06.01   1.86    22.31
05.01   2.12    20.45
04.01   8.13    18.33 
03.01   3.86    10.20
02.01   2.62     6.34
01.01   3.72     3.72


  1. Yipee, you are walking again. It took me a while to find this page as you had moved things around but I found you! I too am making notes of the miles I do. So far I've made a better start this year than last year! Happy walking. x

    1. I had to move the tabs as blogger was being quite obstinate in not allowing me to add a new page for 2022, I might sneak it back as some point and see if it still works!

  2. Well, I'm very pleased to report that I'm keeping up with you.... mind you we've not managed a walk as such today but I'll try for one tomorrow since it might be sunny..... xx

  3. I can see you, just ahead of me! I bet this will be the closest I get to you as the improving days means you will get many more miles in than me! x

  4. Wow, at the end of January I'm only 4 miles behind you! Last January I only managed 51.5 miles! x

    1. Well done you! that is excellent - let's keep at it :) xx

    2. I plan to do my best. Done 3 miles so far today...... New boots sound exciting! x

  5. I'm doing the challenge too! I am counting all my miles this year, but I was proud to complete 1,000 Boots On kilometres last year.

    1. Yay - the more the merrier and well done you!

  6. I don't believe it! By 6 February I'd done 161.52 miles!!!! I'm savouring this moment as I suspect it will be the only time I'm ahead of you. So I'll rest a while and let you and Moss catch up. xx

    1. well done! Your little leggies must be going round like mad! The way I am at the mo - it will take a bit to catch up :)

  7. You're gaining on me. I suspect I'll be doing very little walking over the next few days, if the weather forecast is right! Please pat me on the back as you whizz past! x

  8. up to 203 miles by 21 Feb but at the rate I'm going I might not meet my target; so much rain.... and it's raining again today so I doubt I'll go for a walk! x

  9. If I do a mile today, I'll meet my target but the recent weather has made it hard going. You blasted your target, well done. Can't believe it's March next week; where have the last 2 months gone? x

  10. Gosh I made up to 253 miles yesterday, the quarter mark reached. You've yet to post your miles for the last 2 days but I suspect you will have crept up and overtaken me! x

  11. at the end of 12 March I had done 266 miles. You are not up-to-date but I suspect you have passed me. Damp outside today, boo hoo.

    1. How are you doing now? Not had any updates recently!

  12. As of 28 March, I'm up to 326 miles. Looks like we've both met our March targets early. I can see you disappearing over the horizon! But I'm happy to plod and thankful that I can still do some walking. I think in 2018 we walked to the top of Pendle Hill and I did think we would return but now I know my knee will not want to do this; this is not a problem! x

  13. You're about 23 miles ahead of me and are vanishing into the distance! Of late I've been doing a bit more and hope the weather and my knee allow this to continue! x

  14. At the rate you are going, you should reach 500 soon.... if not by the end of April, certainly by early May. I'm right behind you..... xx

  15. You are walking well! I expect you to reach 500 miles in a few days. I had a good month for walking in April but I might have to slow down a bit but.... xx

  16. Yipee; congratulations on reaching 500 miles. I knew you'd get there. Now it's downhill all the way....I had meant to pop in and have a look a few days ago but time just whizzes by! x

    1. Thank you 🚶🏼‍♂️💞 still feels uphill though!! how are your miles doing?

  17. I'm popping in with some good news. I reached 503 miles yesterday! Pleased with myself considering my intermittent naughty knee. 750 miles here I come, I hope! You are becoming a smaller dot in front of me but I'll just plod along. x

  18. Another monthly target met; best get the miles in before the wet season arrives during summer...


    1. I am wary of increasing my targets coz 'sods law' something will happen to prevent me getting there! So I shall just keep on plodding on (some days definitely feel like a plod) and take it as it comes xx how are you doing?

  19. I'm up to 564 miles, about 40 behind you. I know what you mean about some days one has to plod on. The day I went to East Riddlesden Hall I had to make an effort to reach my daily target of 2.74 miles. Days out can seem like one is walking all the time when in fact one is dawdling, lingering and not 'walking'! I am finding it harder so I'm thinking next year will be what it will be and I'll not push myself....x

  20. I'm now about 53 miles behind you.... you have certainly covered some miles done recently. But I'm happy that I can plod along and am slowly getting there! x

  21. I'm now about 60 miles behind you! Silly knee but I can still get about. Hope Moss takes you somewhere interesting this weekend! x

    1. Hope your knee decides to play nicely soon! Moss definitely has plans for this weekend🐾😁

    2. Good that Moss can tell you what to do at the weekends! I'm ignoring my knee....

    3. Moss got her way! Just need time to get back to blogging about it (sometime!!)

  22. I see you have galloped past your target for June. I've managed to meet mine yesterday; a bit of a struggle with not going out for walks; added to that my FitBit is not counting my steps as I'm not walking properly so I've adjusted the readings! It was good of Moss to insist you go out in the van. Give her a reward biscuit from me, as I'm sure she's 'starving'!!! xx

  23. Looks like you are well on your way to this month's target. I've still not been for 'a walk' yet but am managing to increase my steps at home. Taking it easy as I've no wish to encourage my knee to be naughty again! x

  24. Another target met; well done. You might reach 1,000 by the end of August.... Whilst still not out doing walks, I should reach my monthly target before the end of the month and then perhaps have a small surplus to carry over, say about 10 miles! x

  25. We went for a proper local walk yesterday, the first for about 7 or more weeks. It was only about 5,500 steps , a good 2 miles, but it was tiring. A lot of things along out walk have changed in those few weeks. On Wednesday I met my monthly target and also I've racked up 750 miles but the last weeks since my knee went into 'retirement' have been interesting. So I'll continue to plod along, thinking positively that I will get to 1,000 miles. I'm expecting you to get there in August. x

    1. Glad you are getting out - but do be kind to your knee😊 plodding along - you will get your 1000 miles!!

    2. I am being kind to my knee! Worry not. I felt too tired for a walk yesterday and also today but the damp weather has not inspired me to go for a walk. I've managed a quick trip to GCHQ and that's all!

  26. About 100 miles to go!!!! You can do it. When you get there, please turn around and start to walk back to find me! xx

  27. Replies
    1. Fingers (and toes) crossed that I can bumble to 1000 for the end of August - trying not to jinx it! haha

  28. You might get to 1,000 by the end of Monday 22 August or by Tuesday 23 according to my reckoning! x

  29. Yes, today you made it. Excellent, well done. I’ll settle to make 1,000 miles by the end of the year! X

  30. I've walked about 830 miles to date; I like to think I can manage the remaining 170 miles before the end of the year! I can do it...... xx

  31. I am still enjoying watching you edge towards 1,400 (or more!) miles this year. I've met my monthly target with 2 days spare! Only 147 miles to go and I've 4 months left...... I'll keep popping in as I like to see you striding away. x

  32. Thanks for updating your miles; I missed seeing you continue to get away from me! xx

  33. With just over 3 months to go, you should be able to beat last year's total. If I'm lucky I'll just meet this month's target of about 84 miles.... standing still working in the trench or cutting out old blackberry stems and tying in the new ones does not involve many steps even though many hours are involved! x

  34. At the end of September I missed my monthly target by about 0.15 miles.... I like to think I'll reach 1,000 miles before the end of October but ..... xx

  35. fingers crossed I will get to 1,000 miles soon…. Good to see you are still stepping out!

  36. Yesterday I reached my 1,000 miles..... I plan to keep plodding on and recording the miles. As for next year, I hope you go for the 1,000 miles again but I think I'll just be plodding along! x

    1. CONGRATULATIONS! keep plodding - you have done fantastically well, and you will certainly be up to plodding another 1000 in 2023 well done you xxx

  37. Bravo, you will have beaten last year's target by now. Looks like you'll be setting another target for next year. x

  38. Bravo, you've beaten last year's record and am set to create a larger one for next year! What fun. x

  39. It's the last day of 2022 and I've manged to walk a total of about 1,178 miles. As for 2023, I know I will not reach 1,000 miles but to date I've about 2,200 miles excess since I started 'walking with you'. So I might carry some forward to 2023! xx

    1. it is! congratulations on reaching 1178miles! keep on walking!! xx


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Hawthorn x

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