

18 and a spot of rain......

My new job has a brilliant title - (unofficial of course) it is 'chief kitten and puppy cuddler! Why? Well, I have returned to my first love and I am back in a veterinary surgery. And I am LOVING IT  :D

Oh yes, 18.
18th December 18.
It was our summer holiday and we were pressed hard against a stone wall sheltering from icy cold rain.

Himself was getting money out of a hole in the wall (cash machine) and we were waiting for him. Dressed for a typical summer's day - in our waterproofs and warm clothes - I noticed the most wonderful old piece of street furniture - a cast iron drainpipe clamp. 1895. I stared - how could I used an entire date? I shuffled away , still sheltering from the driving rain and managed to take a photo without cutting off the far numbers and without getting too wet.

Himself, now sorted, pulled his hood down firmly over his eyes, hunched his shoulders and gathered us up, we dashed out into the rain, across the wet street and into a most welcome museum.


  1. Love that number. What luck to find one with a date on it. Kitten and puppy cuddler! Remember, you are not allowed to bring your work home!x

  2. I,m so pleased for you that you're loving the job. xx

  3. That.Is.The.Best.Job.In.The.World.
    No more to be said really, except Congratulations and I am eeeennnnormously jealous.
    Susan x

  4. Very pleased all is going well on the job front.
    And I know the following fact is of no interest to anyone else, but 1895 is the year my great gran was born, so I kind of went 'awww' when I saw your picture

  5. So happy you are liking your new job; it is a grand job title you have; it sounds so soft and cuddly and loving (none of which could be applied to your previous job). I suppose Jak is right when the advice is not to bring your work home but how about a few photos? Never seen an old dated pipe bracket before but will watch out for them.


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