

8 8 - nearly too late!

Oops - it is nearly 9.45 pm and I have only just remembered to do  today's number!

8. 8th December.

Again a lovely old road sign has come to my rescue - supplying me a delightful number 8.

I got my walk!

Mind you it was bitterly cold and treacherous underfoot. The fields were either pockmarked with myriads of ice filled hoof marks or slabbed with thick layers of ice and brittle grass. One huge field, strangely not frozen was a mass of water filled deep sharp holes made by horse hooves. We carefully traversed the watery maze and despite being careful I slipped and now sport a natty pirate like limp - sigh.

We came across something wonderful we knew nothing of. St Helens's Well. We found a narrow gap in a stone wall .............

Stepping into this strange ancient well certainly made the air taste different. 

Tokens of faith, prayer ribbons and items left as tangible evidence of wishes and hopes were on the twisted trees surrounding the pool.

Chains, rusty and almost invisible in the dense growth, hung from branches alongside faded frayed ribbons.

The spring that fed the pool came up with such force that a mound of water boiled at the far side.

Something caught my eye, I carefully bend down and saw coins tucked into the rocks under the water. I put my hand in, expecting the sharp sting of icy water and was amazed at the warmth of it. I pointed out the coins to the boys who understanding the ancient magic of this place and the reverence it still commanded asked if they could leave mementoes  I only had a couple of coins on me which they took. Each boy found a place to stand, stood a moment and then tossed the money into the seething pool.

See the large carved stone? Apparently there used to be three more, with stone faces staring into the water - they sadly have been stolen. Probably gracing some ones garden who know nothing of this little sacred place.

By the time we reached the car, we were caked with frosty mud and had damp cold feet - did we enjoy it? You bet we did :)

Hope during your Saturday you found a little piece of magic
PS let the snow man bring the snow (surely it should be the other way around?) 

blessing hawthorn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. What a wonderful place, really interesting!

  2. This is too beautiful, thank you for sharing. So sad about people stealing the stones, I really detest mindless crime like that. xox Penelope

  3. Close to home too, will have to check it out when it warms up. Looks very interesting.

  4. You do tell us about some interesting places; one day I might visit some of them!


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Hawthorn x

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