

Being busy

Yarnival is not that far off now - We are stepping up a gear with our preparations. It has been harder this year as we all so so busy with our lives and jobs.

This last weekend I thought I better get on and make the stall holder tags and some signs for the event.

One of the knit and natter girls has a very handy husband and with a bit of discussion during our last knit n natter evenings, she set off home with a task for him. 
So - using some plyboard, stash wool and yarn that have had various guises and even more froggings and some white glue - between us we have made a HUGE ball of yarn!
Friend's handy husband cut a huge 'ball of yarn' shape and I wound and wound and wound (and wound and wound and wound) the stash wool around the plyboard shape. Then having covered the wood I pasted it in dilute white glue and water to seal it's exterior. 
It took aaaaaages to dry!
Then, to finish it off - A 'paper' band was made and attached to the 'waist-line' of the yarn and then...........

ta da!!

Another knit and natter girl has a very handy mini-laminating machine which she kindly lent to me and so on Sunday evening I set about making badges for all our stall holders to wear - 
So, with much cutting and pasting and printing and laminating and twisting of cords and tying off of knots I have a second ........
ta da!!

Do you have any ta da-s this week?
Have you been busy making things?
What have you been up to or has the working week got in the way of your crafting flow?

Thank you so much for popping in and seeing what I've got up to - it means a lot to me 
with love
hawthorn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. My ta-da is not as spectacular or big but I have made up 3 x 2m strips of flowers for the bunting collection and knitted a new dress for the lady on the loo sign and now just discovered another bag of things to turn into bunting............ah well, keeps me out of mischief!!

  2. looking forward to Yarnival

  3. As I think I've said before, I wish I was closer. Yarnival really sounds amazing!


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Hawthorn x

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