

A Surprise winner!

Remember this?   
A farmer rang to request a list of drugs and one of the medications he needed was ' fer 'is yow wi bad touch of t crambleys'  And not only was she suffering the interestingly fruity sounding 'crambleys' but she was 'alles had tiftin' too....So...any ideas?
Have a guess!
Go on - what do you think

Well Grammy dear - you were the nearest with.....

Love the sheep bum cake. Too cute. I have no idea what your farmer said unless he has an animal with an upset tummy. Tiftin????? Love your posts about your Yorkshire farmers. on Thank ewe!

A touch of the 'crambleys' is a sheep with a terrible gut ache who walks stiffly with an arched back to try to alleviate the pain - and 'tiftin' as the local word used to describe the rapid sharp breathing sheep do when they have some ailment associated with their lungs - pneumonia or lung worm or are in pain - Grammy Braxton - email me with your address coz I have a little something to pop in the post for you! And I know you will love it as it has lots and LOTS of Yorkshire farming dialect written on it!

Just a quick post today - work has been inexplicably and suddenly extremely busy recently and I have not been able to do anything except get up in the morning - go to work - work work work - come home and collapse on the settee with glazed eyes til bedtime only to start it all over again the next day - the funny thing is though - despite the work load and the drive there and back each day - I am still very happy where I am Thank you for asking :) !!

 Feeling sheepisH?


  1. So glad you are happy where you are. Well done Grammy for getting that right!

  2. congratulations to Sharon .....great to hear she has won this giveaway. I had no idea!!

    Amanda x

  3. Sheep tummy ache; sounds nasty, especially if it has to arch its back to relieve the pain. So glad your tiredness is happy tiredness.


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Hawthorn x

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