

S'funny what you see......

.......On the way to Hebden Bridge.

There was a bit of a traffic jam.
 We slowed down to almost a stop.
 Just passing time chewing the cud.
 No moving this lot, we had to carefully drive around them.
 A definite road block.
 There was no hurrying done today.
 No need to rush.
Life in the slow lane.
Never mind,
just look at those eye lashes!

Now for the knito'clock news - I have cast on something new and I can't wait to knit it but study and work have to take precedence - grrrrr, never mind I manage a row or two at work during lunch.

Tried to take photos today but seeing the rain was flying horizontally and leaves were dancing on the breeze, I decided to give that a miss :)

What slowed you down this weekend?
Have you been travelling in the slow lane?
What new things have you cast on?
Go on share - I love to hear from you.

Welcome to my new followers - lovely to 'meet' you, will pop over and visit your blogs soon xxxxxx


  1. I want a highland cow, oh how I love them. One would be lonely thought.... I am trying not to start anything new as I've a lot is WIPs to finish but it is so tempting to consider a new project... No time to slow down as so much to do!

  2. I don't think I've room for a highland cow but they are gorgeous.
    Lots of knitting in slow progress here but looking forward to starting some new things very soon!

  3. lovely photos! I've been slowed down by a stinking cold - grrr

  4. I love highland cattle. I agree, they were not in a hurry. Me, I have three projects just started, most unlike me. Though it is not through enthusiasm that I have three on the go, more lack of enthusiasm that got me starting on another each time.

  5. I have cast on a cowl in lovely 100% alpaca ... hopefully it will be the prototype for the next knitsofacto knitting pattern.

    I'm loving these images ... I'd never think of cows as pretty but the lady with eyelashes sure is!

  6. How did I miss this post! How could I not see these beautiful creatures! Gorgeous pics Hawthorn, thank you!
    Joy xo


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Hawthorn x

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