

Life just got better!

Our dog has been found! - just a day away from being shipped off to a new home! she was looked after by such kind people that refused to hand her over to the dog pound or give her up to the local rescue, keeping her warm and safe and well fed whilst the vile winter storms made me so concerned for her welfare. These kind folk tried to find her owners (us) ringing the same authorities and vet surgeries as we did - strangely none of these places put two and two together.........

Any hoo, as a last resort - one I had no faith in - I put her details on Facebook. (Thanks Jak for telling me to do so) At 3am in the morning while the winds howled around the house I posted  a brief description and some photos and by 7am friends in Australia, locally, near and far, here and in Africa had posted and re-posted and re-posted her picture and by 11am - I was taken by a kind neighbour to pick my errant dog.

She is now home. (sigh of relief)

I can now relax and share some knitting news. I have been a really lucky knit-wit recently receiving both chrimbly woolly and notion goodness as well as being gifted Himself's Grandma's knitting pins and some hand written notes. 
A delightful selection of vintage needles - plastic, acrylic,  aluminium, wooden, 
nickle plated brass and steel
Hand written knitting notes
A gorgeous knitting book from Youngest (he has already decided which one he wants knitting!) 
A most beautiful Nordic inspired book from Himself - 
I had to hold this book and stroke it for quite a while - be still my HaPpY BeaTinG HeaRT! 
A delightful (but dated) Kaffe Fassett book - such wonderful intricate but hopelessly outmoded patterns - not a chrimbly gift but one given by a friend who thought it would be interesting to look at
A circle-licious handful of bamboo circular knitting needles - a chrimbly pressies from fav-sis-in-law
A selection of woolly goodness from sons and sister in law
A vintage corsetry box (for a tea rose coloured lace-fronted corset in size 30 no less)
filled with more classic knitting needles and notions

And finally, see the labels? Well, they are part of a secret-knit-challenge. 

At our knit and natter chrimbly do we each wrapped some wool or yarn in an un-labeled festive parcel and in a lucky dip style we then chose another gift, unwrapped it, tried to guess who the yarn or wool was from then were challenged to knit or crochet something from our gift to do a show and tell in February.
I have already started! (and frogged) and re-started my piece and I am actually staggered I CAN ACTUALLY do the pattern I am attempting - pheweeee, happy me!  

The more eagle eyed of you will have also noticed I have happily wound my two balls of Jaeger Trinity into to delish yarn cakes.

PS: I found an image of an Excelsior Corset in tea rose with lace fronted panels - glad they are no longer an essential requirement for daily wear! (thanks ebay!)

A final montage - sorry for this self indulgent post - but after the last few days of worry it feels delightful to just waffle on about nothing in particular :)

A Pan-cat sitting in a basket while I take photos of knitting needles and books - Over the festive season, Himself has been heard to call her (very affectionately) 'Snowflake' and the other wee furry beastie - the Hairy Humbug :)

Goodnight dear bloggers - I can actually sleep tonight and not have to listen to the wind howl or the rain dash against the window and feel a nagging pain about the dog, she is sound asleep in her bed tonight here at home with us - Life just got better !



  1. I am so happy for you, what wonderful news your furry friend is at home again. Oh the power of the internet! Lovely knitting goodness too :)

  2. Great to hear that your dog is home. Pets give such joy but can also be the cause of a lot of worry!
    Such a small world - connections all along the way - to see you'd visited the village. I live near the college - so right on the edge of the village.
    I can't believe I didn't get any craft bits for Christmas! But I did get some lovely presents, including a new lens for my camera. Just trying to get to grips with it. I might even post some photos later!
    Have fun. X

  3. Really pleased your dog is now home. Love your christmas presses, I have patterns and needles that were my mums. I can remember my grandma wore corsets exactly like those. She would never leave the house without a hat and those corsets on. Gosh, she must have felt continually constricted!

  4. So lovely to read a happy blog. Welcome home Giddy Dog xx

  5. Best news today, so glad he is safe and well.
    We never did find my lovely cat and I mourned her a long, long time. (She went out the window 17 years ago).
    Susan x

  6. Just checked out your blog and am glad she is found. No idea she was missing as had not read previous post. Such a happy ending. Like the look of your Christmas presses too!

  7. I often use my Mums knitting needles which I inherited along with knitting patterns and a lot of dress patterns too! And my Nan used to wear corsets like that but she called them stays?
    So glad your dog is safe and back home, I can't imagine how worried you must have been. Sleep well tonight knowing everything is how it should be!

  8. Brilliant that she's back with you. A couple of your knitting books look lovely = almost make me want to take up knitting again but crochet is physically easier for me. Currently attempting a crocheted hat with plans to make more for the homneless if they work out. keep well, have a great New Year and hope to see you soon. x

  9. Glad your dog has returned!! All your knitty gifts look great, glad we don't have to wear corsets anymore! My Nana was an amazing knitter and a wiz with the fair Isle, I have her knitting needles such a nice thing to have.

  10. Oooh, new pictures at the top of your blog.

  11. Ditto to what TTMY said. Like new arrangement.


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