

Sea to sky part 2

Second time around.

Dear dear hat I love you so much.

Not that I didn't love the first version - I did, but somehow we did not gel. However, 2nd hat - you are my favourite one now. You didn't knit up as smoothly as I had anticipated, we did have some disagreements and disappointments but when I cast off and wove in your ends - I fell in love, deeply in love.

So much so that I took you for your first walk today - Sunday - on a bright and sunny day.

And I didn't CaRe! Because you were there, on my rather warm head.

I love the way you slouch over my head in a devil may care sort of way looking laid back and lazy. Thank goodness for a sneaky breeze up on the moorland tops and the cooler air by the river.

And as usual, I have tinkered with the pattern (not that I am proficient enough of a knitter really to do such a frippery nonsense) but still I am happy with the result.

Ah - HaPpY mE!!!

A gentle end to a very happy week and weekend.  So many wonderful things happened and I have really enjoyed these last few days.  I will, over the course of the week share some of them with you.

How are you? Had a lovely weekend? I hope so, go on - share what you got up to :) I love to hear what you do xxxx


  1. Second time lucky. Looks good. No wonder you are in love with it. Looks like it was a beautiful walk too. xx

  2. working at a guild meeting on Saturday, pottering in the garden and playing with felt yesterday :-) Lovely hat

  3. Your hat is the colour of the sky (on a bright and sunny day!), lovely!
    I had a quiet but nice weekend, finishing things, gardening and catching up with my family.

  4. Your hat looks fab Hawthorne, you wear it well, and I think it's happy with you too! We had a good weekend which involved one of our grandsons having a sleepover, and then spending time with the family when we delivered him home next day; all good! xoJoy


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Hawthorn x

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